Quote of the day'It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.' — Winston Churchill My ThoughtsExperiences of life are like a Nascar race. It's a circular track, you're going to go through ever turn again and again and again, how are you going to handle the turns on the next lap? Are you going to hit that turn better prepared to not slip on the grease spot you're vulnerable to, or smack the wall again, like I've done a thousand times, or will we drive smarter.
But also remember His mercies are new every morning. Salvation is in Christ alone, does it matter how we hit the turns or just stop in pit row? But there's something to be said about winning the prize: like Paul said in 1 Cor 9, also talking about Nascar, 'Do you not know that in a race everyone drives, but only one gets the prize? Race in such a way as to get the prize.' We're going to go through the husband turn, the friendship turn, the son turn, the employee turn, the business trip turn (the hotel by yourself turn), the surfing on the internet turn, and others...how we hit the turns determine where we place. Of course the world watches just to see the crashes, but we know winning the race is more fun and satisfying.
Drive on. Only briefly look in the rear view mirror and pay attention to your next turn.
Love, Dad