Hello Guest, today is 10/22/24.

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My Thoughts
My thought

You can not understand the meaning of death until you understand God's holiness.

When God made the universe (call it a fishtank) he made it uncontaminated. Somehow in an act of disobedience, humans made themselves contaminated and therefore became separated from God himself.

There was only one way for us as humans to be de-contaminated. God in his holiness, or uncontamination, he came into our contaminated environment and paid the perfect price to pay for our disobedience. Why, because he loves us and cannot even consider living without us. He want's us express our acceptance of His release from our contamination and embrace Jesus as our savior.

The way He promised we get back to His uncontaminated heaven is through death. The exit of this universe into His perfection. That's why death was promised at the first disobedience. (If you do that you shall surely die.)

And know there is no escaping the end of our existance in the contaminated fish tank. God promises that one day it will all be extingushed. And we know that entropy guarantees the coil will cease to exist and our universe will collapse.

Even before then our personal end will probably come in the next few decades.

I know now that Jesus has paid for my sins and I can return to the uncontaminated environment God has in store for us. He has done this for all who believe. Otherwise who will be paying for your sins?

May 12, 2020, 9:36 am
My Thoughts
Everyone has a worldview. It's just the way they have learned through experience and explanation. Sometimes it's correct, sometimes it's not.

One pillar of every worldview is the fact that everything we see and know resets, or is established, on something more permanent. (The joke of the person explaining the foundation of their world view as, it's turtles all the way down, is one way of explaining it. but it really isn't sufficient.) We also know via science that everything had a beginning based on entropy (Like a wind up clock that is currently ticking at one point had to be wound-up.)

The way I look at the establishment of a foundation in the Biblical Worldview is the Bibles repeated use of the phrase similar to, 'from everlasting to everlasting' or 'forever and ever'. The picture that pops into my mind is a foot bridge with two poles supporting it. If you're standing in the middle of the bridge you can look back to one everlasting and forward to another everlasting. So in phrases like His Kingdom is forever and ever, is inherently stating the quality of the poles supporting the bridge, in that's it's only God's Kingdom that supports all that we know. Another phrase, and He shall reign forever and ever. Of course the King of the eternal Kingdom is the one that will reign and it explains how he supports all things and in him all things hold together.

I will continue to flesh this out with many more specific Bible verses in more posts

June 26, 2019, 11:23 am
My Thoughts
Schwieterman said. 'As far as we know, Earth is the only planet in the universe that can sustain human life.' LINK

The Bible doesn't necessarily mention that our Earth is the only planet in our Universe that supports complex life, but if there were other planets similar to ours it would be hard to reconcile Jesus' acts of coming down from Heaven and redeeming mankind. How would the Good News reach other planets? It would be hard to reconcile. The Bible does mention that the Gospel will go out to all the Earth, so I personally don't believe there are other galaxies out there with complex life.

Think about that.

May 27, 2019, 9:48 pm
My Thoughts
Here is a speech the Cromwell gave Parliament while he was prime-minister of England.

This is what Cromwell said:

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes, have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength He has given me, I am now come to do; I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place; go, get you out!

Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!

April 4, 2019, 8:27 am
My Thoughts
mlimber writes
'The New York Times Magazine has a lengthy article on dark matter and dark energy, discussing the past, present, and future. 'Astronomers now realize that dark matter probably involves matter that is nonbaryonic ['meaning that it doesn't consist of the protons and neutrons of 'normal' matter']. And whatever it is that dark energy involves, we know it's not 'normal,' either. In that case, maybe this next round of evidence will have to be not only beyond anything we know but also beyond anything we know how to know.''

Science can never remove the evidence of God. It may try to explain away certain historical human activity that was based on ignorance but the more knowledge humans attain the more evidence of a fine tuning Creator is demanded.

On the quote above, we can only know because we have been given the capacity to know, not because we have instinct or have built ourselves from nothing. A building never builds itself.

With prayers for my children,

October 17, 2018, 2:17 pm
My Thoughts
To say that Science has greater value than other worldviews is a philosophical argument and not a scientific argument. Science cannot assign a value nor can it validate truth, unless truth is what allows for Evolution's idea of survival of the fittest.

Just as science defines God's creation, the Bible explains God and the church reveals His love to the world (or is supposed to). The value of the singularity is found in God. He is the singularity. Science is looking so hard to find Him in the trees that they miss the forest.

Think about that.

May 4, 2018, 11:24 am
My Thoughts
For those who think socialism is a better way, do some research on countries that have implemented it in the past (China and the Soviet Union in the 20th century) and currently. Here is a country that forced their rich oil companies into state run programs so proceeds could be divided to citizens as seemed fit. Since the executives were no longer getting paid by those companies, the companies just went to pot without leadership and ultimately the oil rich reserves no longer had a viable efficient way to get to market (as well as the market for oil crashed.) I guess if you don't mind loosing power for days, weeks or months at a time (even when things were better) then it's OK to be socialist.

Read this article:

December 18, 2017, 8:11 am
My Thoughts
I pray you have had a great Christmas week and that your New Years Eve celebration will find you seeking God and his favor in Jesus Christ for the coming year.


On Christ the solid Rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.

April 20, 2017, 8:07 am
My Thoughts
You don't have to know everything to know that God is you have to know God, but you do have to know everything to be able to say categorically there is no God.

Herbert Spencer said 'the infinite cannot be known by the finite.'
What he overlooked was the possibility that the infinite engaged in self revelation. And if the infinite took the init, in self revelation than he could make it possible for the finite to grapple that which the infinite reveals of himself.

OH, the folly of people to state, 'There is no God.'

-- Stuart Briscoe on Today in the Word 4/19/2017

December 18, 2017, 8:10 am
My Thoughts
I don't know what would be more absurd, to think that God can be know by man or for a man to reject the hand of God.


December 18, 2017, 8:08 am
My Thoughts
It really is absurd to think that a finite human can know the infinite God, unless God has chosen to reveal himself to them.

Think about that.


December 13, 2017, 8:31 am
My Thoughts
Today in 2017 Hudson has a blanket coating of 2 inches of snow and frigid cold of 15.

December 8, 2017, 5:13 pm
My Thoughts
An interesting thought is the Goodness of God.

What does this mean and how can we expect it to play out in our lives.

One perspective is to consider the good actions of a person towards animals. Everyone would think it a good, kind act to take in a stray dog or give to the care of animals that need shelter and food.

In the same perspective we would expect a good God to care for even the smallest of creatures in His creation, even mankind. He wouldn't just care for them but would redeem them from their broken state. When people say people are too insignificant for God to care about, but are willing to give to needy dogs, they dislocate their logic with their actions.

As a result it would be expected for a good God to save man and not the other way around. It is in God's power to save, it surely is in His goodness to act to do so.


December 8, 2017, 5:06 pm
My Thoughts
An interesting thought is the Goodness of God.

What does this mean and how can we expect it to play out in our lives.

One perspective is to consider the good actions of a person towards animals. Everyone would think it a good, kind act to take in a stray dog or give to the care of animals that need shelter and food.

In the same perspective we would expect a good God to care for even the smallest of creatures in His creation, even mankind. He wouldn't just care for them but would redeem them from their broken state. When people say people are too insignificant for God to care about, but are willing to give to needy dogs, they dislocate their logic with their actions.

As a result it would be expected for a good God to save man and not the other way around. It is in God's power to save, it surely is in His goodness to act to do so.


December 3, 2017, 2:25 pm
My Thoughts
How can people believe that science will one day eliminate the 'need' for a God by explaining events when the events themselves cry out for a creator/designer that has phenomenal intelligence and wisdom. Ask any atheist/scientist and they will have to agree that it certainly looks like there must have been a designer and they don't even take into consideration the spiritual, emotional, non-physical experience that allows us to reflect on the physical. Atoms bouncing around a room have no conscience to say, 'why am I bouncing around this room.' Then why do we have the ability to reflect on our life if we are just matter?

Think about that.

December 8, 2017, 5:13 pm
My Thoughts
An interesting thought is the Goodness of God.

What does this mean and how can we expect it to play out in our lives.

One perspective is to consider the good actions of a person towards animals. Everyone would think it a good, kind act to take in a stray dog or give to the care of animals that need shelter and food.

In the same perspective we would expect a good God to care for even the smallest of creatures in His creation, even mankind. He wouldn't just care for them but would redeem them from their broken state. When people say people are too insignificant for God to care about, but are willing to give to needy dogs, they dislocate their logic with their actions.

As a result it would be expected for a good God to save man and not the other way around. It is in God's power to save, it surely is in His goodness to act to do so.


April 20, 2017, 8:39 am
My Thoughts
You don't have to know everything to know that God is, you have to know God, but you do have to know everything to be able to say categorically there is no God.

Herbert Spencer said 'the infinite cannot be known by the finite.'
What he overlooked was the possibility that the infinite engaged in self revelation. And if the infinite took the initiative in self revelation than he could make it possible for the finite to begin to grapple that which the infinite reveals of himself.

OH, the folly of people to state, 'There is no God.'

-- Stuart Briscoe on Today in the Word 4/19/2017

May 1, 2017, 6:59 am
My Thoughts
You don't have to know everything to know God, you just have to know God. You do have to know everything to know there is no God.

It is impossible for the finite to know the infinite God, unless the infinite God chooses to reveal himself.

(Quotes from John Piper.)

Thank about that.

April 20, 2017, 8:15 am
My Thoughts
You don't have to know everything to know that God is, you have to know God, but you do have to know everything to be able to say categorically there is no God.

Herbert Spencer said 'the infinite cannot be known by the finite.'
What he overlooked was the possibility that the infinite engaged in self revelation. And if the infinite took the initiative in self revelation than he could make it possible for the finite to begin to grapple that which the infinite reveals of himself.

OH, the folly of people to state, 'There is no God.'

-- Stuart Briscoe on Today in the Word 4/19/2017

April 20, 2017, 8:17 am
My Thoughts
Hemingway stated, 'Life is but a dirty trick from nothingness to nothingness.' At least he was logical, if there is no God.

If there is no God, not only do you rob yourself of dignity, you deny yourself of ultimate purpose.

One of the most encouraging things I know is that God will be our judge. It means he observes what I do, it means he is interested in my actions. It means he thinks highly of me.

Dostoyevski, 'if there is no God then anything is permissible.'

In a classroom everything there has a purpose. Certainly the people in the classroom are greater than the objects in the classroom, therefore people must have a greater purpose.

---These are thoughts of Stuart Briscoe from Today in the Word radio on 4-19-2017

Think about it.


March 17, 2017, 3:42 pm
My Thoughts
One of the most visible evidences of God's power is the results of the changed lives of those who are in Christ. And by that I mean, those that have served hard time for committing horrendous crimes. I mean those who have been deep into the bondage of drugs, for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 30th time, and have been freed in Christ. I mean the rescue of children locked in the slave trade.

The lines stretch for miles of those who once stood in oppression and now stand in Christ. Atheists like Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao do not have people changed by love. They only have the masses hoping to over throw them because of oppression. and we don't even need to look at that extreme level. Those who understand their worldview best end up like Nietzsche, instead of providing freedom to the hurting can't cope with their own lives.


March 17, 2017, 3:28 pm
My Thoughts
One of the oldest ways to neglect God's word is to call it a fraud. Yes, it's as old as the prophets.

Jeremiah 43:2 and all the proud men spoke, saying to Jeremiah, 'You speak falsely! The LORD our God has not sent you to say, 'Do not go to Egypt to dwell there.' but Baruch the son of Neriah has set you against us, to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they may put us to death or carry us away captive to Babylon.'

See what they did? They denied the authority of God's Word through the prophet, so they could carry out their own solution to their problem. They were too afraid to listen to God through Jeramiah.

Are you too afraid to listen to God's Word? Is that why you deny His word? Please realize that it's main message is that you can be forgiven. The penalty has already been served by someone else, but you can experience it if you put your trust in the one who committed the service for you, Jesus.


March 17, 2017, 3:23 pm
My Thoughts
I'm kinda glad that there isn't just one copy of the Holy Scriptures. Because if there was just one than if someone wanted to change a teaching in them, so they could be more powerful than is afforded them or because they didn't like something, than they could make one change and, boom, that would be it! Mission accomplished.

But to make any change to the oldest Biblical writtings someone would have to make the same change to hundreds of copies that are in dozens of different of places under different securities and conditions.

As it is it's impossible for someone to make any change to the oldest historical writings of God's Word. Therefore it's set in stone if you will.


March 17, 2017, 3:14 pm
My Thoughts
For those of you who like to think of anti-estblishmentarianists as heros, I hope you understand the historic acts of Jesus.

He overthrew the money changers of his day. He told the wealthy to give what they have to the poor. He asked everyone he met to embrace the truth and we're talking about people other rabbi's of his day wouldn't be caught dead even talking to.

Before you embrace the zeitgeist of your day, recognize that there is one man that broke through the zealots, the religious, the wealthy, the people in power, the poor and neglected and even death itself and overcame them all. How? As the bonafide one and only Son of God who broke the chains of mankind and provides freedom to everyone who believes.


March 13, 2017, 8:27 am
My Thoughts
There is no physical reality that can explain it's own existence. Therefore, eternal must be non physical. -- Dr. Ravi Zacharias

March 9, 2017, 10:12 am
My Thoughts
1 Corinthians 14:15

Do not think that science opposes the Christian worldview. I will admit there was a confusion for a time when the unknown was explained in a supernatural way and when explanations came along they seemed to undo the need for God. I say that the explanations demand the need for God. Who could order the laws of physics, science, biology, gravity, etc in such a way as to provide the necessary environment that humans may experience God. Yes, this life is just a venue in which we experience God. Face it or not, mathematically, statistically it is impossible that live came into existence without God.

Use your minds people and don't let Hollywood do a slight of hand trick on you. Consider the probabilities mathematically and statistically that life began, exists and will extend.

Think about that.

March 9, 2017, 9:58 am
My Thoughts
Mark 10:46-52 LINK

Like the blind man, I desire to be found yelling out to Jesus to restore me. In the marketplace of the USA today it is not popular to call on the name of Jesus, except in a vial curse, and many are silenced because they try. I have come to the realization that calling on Jesus for restoration does not mean I am putting my mind aside while faith takes it place. It means that I am engaging my mind fully (1 Cor 14:15) to embrace the living God who created, loves, restores and sustains me, us, everything and has unfolded His plan to reveal this from the beginning of time. What's an alternative: There are so many holes in man's imagination that an agnostic must believe on faith what other humans have discovered and yet not fully explained. As you well know even Darwin suggested that if at a future date his black box proved to be more complex than he gave credit to than his whole proposition would probably not be true. Surely no one believes humans know even 15% of all there is to know, which leaves 85% of the unknown which may contain a realm in which God exists. I know he exists and is relevant in this realm.

Therefore I rely on Jesus as my hope and stay and I will not remain silent in marketplace of ideas. So I say with the blind man, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! I want to see.

47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth [passing by], he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” 48 And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” 49 And Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart. Get up; he is calling you.” 50 And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus. 51 And Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” And the blind man said to him, “Rabbi, let me recover my sight.” 52 And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him on the way.


April 20, 2017, 8:22 am
My Thoughts
Hemingway stated, 'Life is but a dirty trick from nothingness to nothingness.' At least he was logical, if there is no God.

If there is no God, not only do you rob yourself of dignity, you deny yourself of ultimate purpose.

One of the most encouraging things I know is that God will be our judge. It means he observes what I do, it means he is interested in my actions. It means he thinks highly of me.

Dostoyevski, 'if there is not God then anything is permissible.'

April 20, 2017, 8:16 am
My Thoughts
You don't have to know everything to know that God is you have to know God, but you do have to know everything to be able to say categorically there is no God.

Herbert Spencer said 'the infinite cannot be known by the finite.'
What he overlooked was the possibility that the infinite engaged in self revelation. And if the infinite took the init, in self revelation than he could make it possible for the finite to grapple that which the infinite reveals of himself.

OH, the folly of people to state, 'There is no God.'

-- Stuart Briscoe on Today in the Word 4/19/2017

January 31, 2017, 7:39 am
My Thoughts
I love articles like this one:

It basically states that there is no good overall explanation to the existence of life as we know it so it, so it could just as well be something very radical. It doesn't state that a high power has created the Matrix like environment we live in but leaves the origin out of the topic for now.

One of the biggest problems for atheistic scientists is:
'Einstein's theory of general relativity explains almost everything large scale in the universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level.' There is no good way for atheist scientists to come up with a natural explanation for creation.

Creation scientists have the freedom to look at the data and understand completely the origin and the design. Atheistic scientists have come to the point of understanding as if to have reached a new rise in their climb only to come over the ridge and find a group of Christians already gathered.

Think about that.


November 11, 2016, 9:17 am
My Thoughts
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Elmer Letterman

Prepare yourself to meet opportunity.

November 7, 2016, 7:19 am
My Thoughts
It is a privilege to vote, but be an informed voter. It will always seem like you need to pick from the lesser of two evils and that's true because everyone is a sinner. If you're waiting to vote for the perfect person, he walked this earth 2000 years ago and isn't going to be available to lead the USA.

So read up on the candidates and find the one that shows the most concern regarding Biblical principles and vote for them. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, it doesn't matter the color of their skin, but the content of their character.


August 22, 2016, 8:31 am
My Thoughts
There is a confusion in the world today surrounding religion. In my world a specific religion has different sects that have taken specific defining actions of followers to identify true devout followers or infidels. A big problem arises when people of this same religion disagree on what the proper actions devout followers should have.

Some people try to apply this disagreement to the Christian faith. They point out how widely varied the many denominations in the USA are. They cry foul by stating how can anyone really know for sure who's devout enough to have certainty of salvation and eternity.

I think a great Biblical example of the solution is to look at one man, Saul/Paul. Yes, one man with two names. Before Paul had a relationship with Jesus, as Saul he was one of the religions people that thought his religion must be defended in a way as to weed out or even kill those who claimed to be religious Jews but didn't keep specific laws that define the religion. It's recorded that he was present at the stoning of Steven.

But something happened to Saul, he meet Jesus on the road to Emmais. From that experience on he no longer saw religion as a set of rules to follow but as a pointer to the savior, Jesus the Messiah. He stopped hunting down the infidels and started introducing people to Jesus and the Good News that he provides salvation to all, the gentile, the Greek, the Barbarian, to all people. Salvation was no longer found in a set of rules but in a relationship with Christ, and that just by stating Jesus is Lord. No longer do people have to become Jew or stop being Greek but Jesus has redeemed all cultures buy reversing the curse of sin (death) and dying on the cross that all men might live (and he reversed the curse in his resurrection).

I challenge you to investigate this for yourself so you do not think today's christianity should be confused with other religions. It's the only one based on a relationship with the founder and not on the founders teachings. And that is the change in Saul who became Paul.

Thank about that.


June 27, 2016, 11:45 am
My Thoughts
Today I have another spinal injection. It' just another one for me as I've had many before, but I have concern this day. Part of that concern might come from knowing it's temporary relief at best, none at worst.

I trust God, through Christ Jesus, will always hold me in His hand and nothing in all creation can remove me from that position. I pray that I will live a life that is worthy of His love.

Lord I want to live my life for you with your main command to Love you with all my heart, mind and soul and to love my neighbor as myself.

Who is my neighbor, the marginalized children who have no guardian. My desire is to love them. God help me to do so as you would love them, if that includes a good back or a bad back, give me the courage and strength to Stand My Post until you give me a new one or until you take me home.


June 22, 2016, 2:59 pm
My Thoughts
A very helpful perspective on life I once heard from Chuck Coleson is: 'stay at your post'.

Meaning as a Christian we are in a battle against the flesh, the world and satan. At times we will be threatened. At times we will feel the heat of the fight. At times we will feel the pull of the flesh, but don't give in. There is more at stake than just your personal standing with God (actually you can't get any closer to him by religion. Religion never saved anyone. Only Jesus can save you. through his sacrifice on the cross as the lamb.) And it's the power of Jesus in which the battle can be won.

In the fight, remember stay and your post. Like many movies that have two armies about to fight where the leader keeps reminding the troops, 'steady now, wait for it', we must stay at our post and protect the wall, or our society will crumble. (Here it is in 2016 and it is crumbling. We don't know what marriage is, we don't know what gender is, we don't know what sex is, we don't know anything because as a country the USA has no superior morality to guide them. Because of that it is on rocky ground.)

Since we are in the battle more than in the past, please remember to stay at your post no matter how hard it gets.

Love Dad,

May 13, 2016, 10:48 am
My Thoughts
There are a lot of songs and sermons that talk about waiting on the Lord. What does that mean?

To wait on the Lord is to operate in your life in a Godly manner until God opens a door. If you have a job, do it for the Lord. If you have a job you hate, do it for the Lord. If you are asking God to give you a spouse, new apartment, car or career, do your daily functions for God and He will give you the change in due time. Do not try to hurry these things along by stealing, lying, cheating, entering into adultery, or other sin as that's NOT waiting.

Therefore, waiting on the Lord means doing your daily chores as best you can, embracing good and rejecting sin, unto the Lord, without sin or bad attitude, until He provides the change you desperately seek.


April 1, 2016, 3:03 pm
My Thoughts
Scientists are always trying to both remove the singularity and define the singularity of our universe.

They want to remove it because it shows that the universe had a beginning. Sure they play with smoke and mirrors and talk about time tangents and all but the fact of observable science shows that our universe had a beginning. Within the past decade this became more clear with the finding of the background radiation noise that represents some 300,000 years after the beginning that can be found all over the universe. That means that there is a 'surface' of our universe so to speak that it's covered in this background noise.

They are always trying to define the singularity as the theory of everything. They have to do a lot of yoga to bend existing understanding with a creative overall explanation. Christians choose the most obvious, it's God. He is the singularity, the not just the theory of everything but the origin, sustainer and redeemer of everything.

Think about that.

April 1, 2016, 2:08 pm
My Thoughts
Imagine trying to fire a bullet at a one-inch target on the other side of the observable universe. The accuracy required to accomplish such a feat has been calculated at 1 in 10^60. Compare this to the precision required in calibrating the mass density of the universe (fine-tuned to within 1 unit in 10^59). -- Cod's Crime Scene by J. Warner Wallace.

Thank about that.

April 1, 2016, 1:55 pm
My Thoughts
Imagine stretching a measuring tape across the entire known universe. Now imagine one particular mark on the tape represents the correct degree of gravitational force required to create the universe we have. If this mark were moved more than an inch from its location (on a measuring tape spanning the entire universe), the altered gravitational force would prevent our universe from coming into existence. God's Crime Scene by J. Warner Wallace

I really can't add anything to that thought, wow. Although I can say the known universe is about 156 billion light years wide, so one inch in 156 billion light years? Wow. As Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton would say, 'What difference does it make now?' Well, it makes a lot of difference because we wouldn't be here if that insignificant distance were changed.

Thank about that.

April 1, 2016, 1:41 pm
My Thoughts
Imagine comparing the universe to an aircraft carrier like the USS John C. Stennis (measuring 1,092 feet long with a displacement of 100,000 tons). If this carrier were as fine-tuned as the mass density of our universe, subtracting a billionth of a trillionth of the mass of an electron from the total mass of the aircraft carrier would sink the ship. God's Crime Scene by J. Warner Wallace

1000 tons has 995,879,566,805,742,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons. Multiply that by 100 and you get 995,879,566,805,742,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of electrons in 100,000 tons, but that's not all. That would mean that the weight of 1 electron would sink the aircraft carrier, but this says a billionth of a trillionth of the mass of an electron, so we need to multiply this by 100,000,000,000,000,000,000. Or we can put 20 zeros at the end of our number which makes it 99,587,956,680,574,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Considering that there are only 100,000,000,000 times 100,000,000,000 stars in existence or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 the likelihood one would have life around it is very unlikely. It would mean it would take 9,958,795,668,057,420,000,000,000,000,000,000 more stars than exist than there are possibilities one would occur without design.

Thank about that.

April 27, 2016, 8:36 am
My Thoughts
I pray that the USA corrects its misinterpretation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.

The first amendment states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

How it's interpreted today is that people should be given freedom from religion. This is an important mistake. If it's freedom from religion then, like today, people will complain when there are Christmas decorations on the town green or people will complain when prayers are offered when the senate holds their meetings.

BUT the amendment states: freedom of religion!

If its 'freedom of religion' then anyone has the constitutional right to worship in regards to their faith without being denied such expression or prejudice towards them.

This is why it's so important to understand the OF and not the FROM!

Freedom of religion means put the creche on the town square and proclaim, Merry Christmas!

Freedom from religion means remove all signs of religion from the town square and proclaim nothing of any sort of religion.

I'm greatful the founding fathers made it, freedom of religion and I can boldly, and with my constitutional right, proclaim Merry Christmas!

Think about that.


April 7, 2016, 11:06 am
My Thoughts
When we think of rules we shouldn't think negatively about such limits, but we should think positively about the forethought that gave rise to the rule.

Example: Think of the millions of miles of roads in the USA with 253 millions cars moving about every minute. Do you think it would be safe and beneficial if we decided rules were a stupid thing. What if we wanted to be rebels and go against the grain and be radical on the road. THAT wouldn't work. Such a move would obviously cause a big problem maybe even death. Traffic police help keep the order and insure the roadways are safe. Rules provide organization, safety and efficiency on the roads.

In a similar manor, God has provided rules for life, called the 10 commandments. Don't think of them negativity but think of them positively. God has provided the forethought into human life on this Earth and gave them to us that we might be able to enjoy life individually and in community.

Think about that.

April 20, 2016, 8:19 am
My Thoughts
Published this week in the magazine The Week is an article about how our science is broken. If it's still up you can find it here: http://theweek.com/articles/618141/big-science-broken.

It states that our configuration of tenure and financial support goes to scientists that are out of touch. By out of touch the author goes on to state the scientists awarded with the largest grants are the ones invested in their position so much that any scientific evidence that disproves their theory is covered up and ignored because they fear being de-funded. They are out of touch with the true scientific manner in that they no longer follow the results of a scientific approach, but they follow the money. They only show results proving their theory, they only run tests that prove their theory and not a real battery of tests that could disprove it.

Why is this important? It's important because in our culture Science has replaced religion. Science has created new industries (check out the Global Warming craze of the last decade, check out the government funded renewable energy company that died because their business was not renewable) that are unnecessary and several people have become very rich because of it. Scaring the masses and taking their money, calling it science but not pursuing a true results led approach.

Isn't it wonderful understanding what Jesus has done for us? He isn't taking our money. He isn't out to hide truth. Jesus is truth, he is life. To gain eternal life, to gain satisfaction and release of guilt, you don't need to follow a set of rules, or pay to have your sins forgiven, he accomplished it all on the cross by His works, not yours, at His expense, not yours. So what must you do to inherit eternal life, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

Think about that.


March 25, 2016, 9:07 am
My Thoughts
Our experience of God is like a sleeper on a soft bed. By that I mean while we sleep, we don't recognize the comfort we have but we sleep because if it. In life when God is abandoned it becomes like sleeping on the cement floor, we can't sleep, or we sleep in short segments of time and wake exhausted.

When people ask, Where is God? Why can't I see Him or hear Him? They don't realize that He is that unrecognized force that keeps the universe from falling apart. He sustains all that we need for life. Once God removes Himself from our experience it will be a cold hard realization.

Similarly I just read God's Crime Scene by J. Wallace and he has this to say:
The precision required in calibrating the mass density of the universe (fine-tuned to within 1 unit in 10 to the 59th).
Imagine comparing the universe to an aircraft carrier like the USS John C. Stennis (measuring 1,092 feet long with a displacement of 100,000 tons). If this carrier were as fine-tuned as the mass density of our universe, subtracting a billionth of a trillionth of mass of an electron from the total mass of the aircraft carrier, it would sink.

That means the number of stars we know to exist today doesn't even touch the necessary number of possibilities that life would 'naturally' exist on any planet.

Think about that.

March 25, 2016, 8:53 am
My Thoughts
Our experience of God is like a sleeper on a soft bed. And by that I mean while we sleep, we don't recognize the comfort we have but we sleep because if it. When God is removed and we are expected to sleep on the cement floor, we can't sleep, or we sleep in short segments of time and wake exhausted.

When people ask, Where is God? Why can't I see Him or hear Him? They don't realize that He is that unrecognized force that keeps the universe from falling apart. He sustains all that we need for life. Once God removes Himself from our experience it will be a cold hard realization.

Similarly I just read God's Crime Scene by J. Wallace and he has this to say:
Compare this to the precision required in calibrating the mass density of the universe (fine-tuned to within 1 unit in 10 to the 59th).
Imagine comparing the universe to an aircraft carrier like the USS John C. Stennis (measuring 1,092 feet long with a displacement of 100,000 tons). If this carrier were as fine-tuned as the mass density of our universe, subtracting a billionth of a trillionth of mass of an electron from the total mass of the aircraft carrier, it would sink.

That means the number of stars we know to exist today doesn't even touch the necessary number of possibilities that life would 'naturally' exist on any planet.

Think about that.

February 29, 2016, 8:57 am
My Thoughts
Have you ever asked Jesus Christ into your heart.

Why do that? Because we all have a longing to be satisfied and meaningful and the only way to accomplish that is to thank Jesus for what he did on the cross for you. And show your thankfulness by following after Him.

Christianity is the only religion that is founded on the actions of the founder, not just his teachings but on the sacrifice of his blood. He became man so that he might die as a man, taking our sentence of capital punishment, so that we might live. He knew death could not hold him down so he resurrected and shall be our loving king throughout history and eternity. If you're not at the point that you know you desperately need Him, I pray that He does what it takes to open your eyes and mind so that you might know the truth before it's too late.


February 25, 2016, 1:10 pm
My Thoughts
In life sometimes it seems a new beginning is what you need to move forward. Or another perspective of the same idea is that, it's easier to see the faults that are close to you and hard to detect them from far away. By that I mean your job might appear to have a lot more issues than other jobs you could have, but that's just because you are viewing those other jobs from a distance. Maybe one country appears to be a better place to live then the one you're currently in, but that's just because you are so close to the problems in your country that you would only understand if you live there, opposed to watching life from a distance in a different country via brochures and news casts.

This is a fallen world. Every country, job, and person has problems. It will remain that way until God renews creation.

That said, you have the best knowledge of the place your in to help you through the problems. If you move to a new job or a new city, sure it will look fresh and unblemished for awhile, but that's just until you learn the blemishes by accidentally falling into problems. If you stay where you are you already know the problems, how to deal with them or how to avoid them all together. Although it means living with the problems you know, it is probably better than living with problems you don't know, learning them by going through setbacks before getting back to the place you're in now so you can finally move forward.

(This is written in the perspective of a situation where countries are without war or significant economic issues. Of course it's better to be in a free society with liberty and economic promise. As I wrote it I meant it to be considered if you are contemplating moving from, say, Chicago to Atlanta or Texas to Kentucky. Not Syria to Australia.)

February 12, 2016, 5:24 am
My Thoughts
In today's culture, in many countries around the world, Christians are asked to show equality, so others can treat them unequally. They are asked to show tolerance so others can be intolerant of them.

Like a frog in a pot can be boiled by slowly increasing the temperature of the water until it's too late, the temperature that no longer allows God to be known for who he is, is slowing heating up.

God has always been, is now and will always be. Long after time and matter are consumed he will exist, but as His creation we can acknowledge Him and place Him on His rightful thrown as Prophet, Priest and King, OR we can throw Him off the thrown of our hearts and we can be intolerant of Him and show how unequal the human heart can treat Him.

As children of His kingdom, live today inside His protection and love by being a pilgrim in a foreign land, a citizen of His kingdom. Live a declaration of life that He has established (kinda' like a Declaration of Independence from the World.) and obey His commands only.

God Bless.

January 28, 2016, 7:30 am
My Thoughts
Holy, Holy, Holy are you LORD, YWHW, Jehovah, God almighty,
who was and is and is to come.
The whole Earth is full of your glory.

Lord please fill my mind, heart and spirit with your glory that I might reflect you to everyone I am with today. Fill my wife's mind and heart that she too would be an instrument of your work on this Earth. Fill my children that they would have the strength in the face of the World to stand strong for their faith in you. Not an untested faith, but a faith that is as solid as a construction of sky scraper. Fill my government that they would be convicted of right and wrong and give them the strength to reject wrong and do what is right, that the world may look on a government that submits to you LORD and see the difference. This all said with knowledge that you hear me not based on my merit, wealth, intelligence or strength but on the fact that I've been redeemed by your Son, Jesus, and upon his work of salvation in which I take refuge in my restored relationship with you. Amen!

January 27, 2016, 8:48 am
My Thoughts
Mom in the 1950s on Miami Beach.

The Fountain Blue Hotel 2016

January 25, 2016, 10:11 am
My Thoughts
Don't let the church be your all consuming image of God. The church is the Bride of Jesus Christ, not a good picture of His representation.

Sure there are times when the church is a good representation of God: in explaining the good news of salvation, sometimes feeding the poor and needy, taking care of the orphan and the widow, but there are other times when the church is far from it. If you've been on church elder boards or deacon boards then you know, the many flaws found in the church. There are as many flaws as there are people. Yes, that's right, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, this is why church congregations meet. They are people in need helping people in need.

All that's to warn you that if you start not liking God because of the mean people at church, or because you've met too many hypocrites in the church, or because the pastors on television seem to want more money than they have interest in helping others, than I've warned you. The church is not a good representation of God.

So where do we go for a good picture of God? Go to the Bible. Open it up and ask God to reveal himself to you that you may know Him. That's it. He's been waiting to have a relationship with you, one where He can call you child and you can call Him father.

A mature christian moves beyond the spoon fed connection to God, via the church or a mentor, into an intimate relationship with God.


January 18, 2016, 8:49 am
My Thoughts
It's easy to pick holes in an argument, even if it's a very good argument. So those who don't know God pick at His choice of revelation of himself to this world, first in Word by prophets then by His son in Jesus Christ and now by the news of His Son's actions by the chruch, while from the very beginning, revealing himself through the amazingly complexity and resiliency of the universe around us.

So a good exercise is to think through how you would reveal yourself to your creation of mankind, without forcing them to love you but giving them an option to reject you.

A lot of things can quickly come to mind, write special words with clouds in the sky, but then what language would you pick to write to the whole Earth? Near Eastern Ancient languages, probably not because we would need them interpreted today but then clouds are not that long lived...Take time and think through all your options and realize it must persist though all history and time.

You think about that!

January 18, 2016, 8:42 am
My Thoughts
Every morning I make an intentional statement as a created being. That statement comes from other created beings that live in the presence of God as explained in Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 (and I combine them)

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
who was, and is, and is to come.
the whole earth is full of his glory.”

If there are other creatures in eternity that speak this truth before the LORD, I too want to echo the truth in my corner of time and space.

And I turn it into a prayer:
'Fill my whole life with your glory, fill my whole family (Their minds and hearts), fill my whole city that they may speak in Truth, fill my whole country that our hearts would bow to you alone, fill every second that I shall live this day that I may love you in them all.' Amen


January 16, 2016, 8:23 am
My Thoughts
It's encouraging to know that the daylight hours are getting longer this time of year as we wait for spring.

Scripture says:
“As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”
--Genesis 8:22

So we can trust that the seasons we have now will be with us until the earth is no more. Let's not fear the Global Warming crowd and their finished science. God has safeguards we are ignorant of, check out this article.
http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2016/0111/How-huge-icebergs-could-be-slowing-climate-change. And who knows how many more safeguards God has placed on this planet Earth.


January 13, 2016, 8:58 am
My Thoughts
There are times, it's only natural, to hope that certain actions will produce certain results. Todays Thought is about one of these action/reaction experiences and a misunderstanding of it.

Throughout most of my life I have experienced a respite of strife and anxiety when I enter into worship. And then, I've realized that there are times when I'm physically sick I, unconsciously, expect a bit of relief as I enter into worship. When the respite isn't manifest I feel like my worship is not fulfilling. I've learned as I get older that worship isn't for me and no matter how I feel physically it is for God. (God who goes by many names as a description of who he is not because he's many beings, Jehova, YHWH, Creator, The One who Sees, Redeemer, Savior...) In a small way this is encouraging to me even when I am ravaged with sickness because my feelings are not the end result only. The end result being the recognition of the true God in words and thoughts of praise and adoration.

Think about that.

January 10, 2016, 7:34 pm
My Thoughts
How can we know right from wrong?

Maybe you think adultery is wrong, or homosexuality. Maybe you cant accept someone that is a murderer or one that committs grand theft. Maybe you say you accept one or two of these activities but draw the line at others that don't accept the actions you accept.

Who has the authority to draw such lines? Certainly not man, only God who is above man who can see right and wrong clearly.

January 6, 2016, 9:02 am
My Thoughts
Here is great quote from Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest January 6th.

'Days set apart for quiet can be a trap, detracting from the need to have daily quiet time with God. That is why we must “pitch our tents” where we will always have quiet times with Him, however noisy our times with the world may be.' ...Oswald Chambers

You can read the whole devotional HERE


January 5, 2016, 8:26 pm
My Thoughts
Just like no computer or smart phone can hold two Operating Systems, no worldview can hold more than one view at a time.

There are a lot of atheists that hold that a judicial system will be able to determine right from wrong, but it really can only identify if an event actually happened or not. To make judgements on such an event doesn't fit into such a worldview any more than a tornado, that exists by random chance, can be held accountable for the death and destruction it causes. Humans are just a random chance collection of atoms and the only rule in an atheist's worldview that holds true is the survival of the fittest, and that certainly doesn't have moral judgements outside of: if you're alive you are better than anyone dead.

Of course the atheist view is wrong and they will fight with all their might to explain why there certainly can be morality but they wade outside of their Operating System to do so, like an iphone with iOS would steal something from an android device. It's just not going to happen.

If you are brave enough to hold to your worldview with all it's flaws and blemishes without trying to cheat the OS than you have either found a good worldview, are deceiving yourself or are mad, mad as Friedrich Nietzsche. And he didn't end well.

The only worldview that can bring peace to a soul with perfect rest is the Biblical worldview.

Think about that.


January 4, 2016, 12:03 pm
My Thoughts
There is a big difference between knowing and doing.

All golfers know how to play the game, but winning is hard to do.

All husbands know how to stay faithful and committed to their wives, but doing so is hard to do.

All programmers have a grasp on the project they want to accomplish, but making it work as expected is hard to do.

Living in the American culture of the USA, we know what God desires of us, but doing it is hard. Instead of pulling yourself up by your boot straps, just stay still for a moment, stay down and tell God, 'I'm knocked down in the fight of sin. If I get up by my own power, I'll just get knocked down again. This time Lord, I ask you to place my feet on solid ground and establish me in a life so I don't get knocked down in shame again.'


December 28, 2015, 10:28 am
My Thoughts
Remember Christianity is a religion that relies on the accomplishments of it's founder, God the father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, AND not on his teachings. That's why Christians talk about the Gospel, the Good News. It's news just like CNN reports or any other type of news cast.

News that changes lives. All you need to do is acknowledge your sin, and your need for a savior and accept the news that Jesus sacrificed himself that all mankind might live, if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior.


December 28, 2015, 10:21 am
My Thoughts
Christmas comes and goes. Each year it seems like the day goes by faster and faster.

It's nice to know that God's gift of eternal life will not fade away or become old fashioned, but when Jesus came as a man, not some other animal, to save mankind, he made the sacrifice once for all and as a sign of The Fathers acceptance of the sacrifice, Jesus didn't stay in the grave but was resurrected and as the first fruits of resurrection we too as co heirs with Jesus will have glorified bodies in a new heaven and a new earth. And that will never pass-away, like a Christmas day.

But remember, unless you unwrap your gift and accept it, it will never be yours. Please accept the gift of Jesus into your heart that you too can experience new life, eternal life.


December 23, 2015, 9:30 am
My Thoughts

I think of a hero as someone
who understands the degree
of responsibility that comes
with his freedom.
--- Bob Dylan

December 21, 2015, 12:48 pm
My Thoughts
Sometimes the memories of Holidays past turn blue as we remember friends and loved ones who have passed from this mortal coil. It seems some of the most precious memories we have can cause us to tear-up as we realize we will no longer have those great times.

That doesn't mean we won't have great times, but we can't duplicate the times we had.

In the movie 12 O'Clock High the commanding officer tells his corp the best way to accomplish the mission successfully is to think yourself already dead and to throw all your efforts in destroying the enemy (Which in this movie is the Third Reich.)

There is a similar understanding in the life we lead as Christians. The most famous saying of Jim Elliot, a missionary to the Auka Indians in South America in 1949, is:
'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.

Everyone's body will die no matter how hard you try to preserve it and yet every human being is offered eternal life in Jesus Christ. Give up your body to life as a servant of Jesus Christ with Him in your heart 'confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the Dead and you will be saved.'


December 21, 2015, 12:44 pm
My Thoughts
Just 4 days until Christmas. Children get excited as the decorations, presents, cookies and more reach their peek. (The sugar can easily push them over the edge.)

The culture in the USA is oriented towards gifts, giving, and receiving. I've moved beyond the gift exchange and into the phase of my life where memories are more likely to bring a smile to my face than a new tie, shirt or game.

It is my prayer that all my children and grandchildren, and all future generations (until Christ returns) walk in the light and truth of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And then forevermore.


December 11, 2015, 7:37 am
My Thoughts
Someone asked me to calculate the probability that life could start, randomly, on its own, within the confines of the universe. I didn't know where to start because what is the probability that there is nothing and then, Bang, you've got life. (I get a kick out of reading Mymosh the Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem.)

Just for kicks, overlooking the scientific laws that are in place, overlooking the biological laws that are in place, overlooking the physical laws in place, I decided to take the perspective of Mankind and start from their orientation. This lead to things like, whats the probability a planet falls into orbit at the perfect distance so that temperatures on its surface can support carbon life forms, and that it would have the proper axial tilt, and that it would have the proper protective plants around it, and that led me to think of life forms on this earth.

One of the indicators, to me, that all life forms are advanced on this Earth is that they are resilient. Meaning these life forms can have failures of organs and appendages and still overcome. What we have is not just life but living bodies that defend themselves with antibodies and redundancies. This is not what would be called a version 1.0.

A newbie at computer programming usually codes so everything will go right, neglecting any chance of bad data or errors. An experienced computer programmer codes so everything can go wrong, and it still produces the desired result.

Compared to a computer program, life as we know it is programmed so if everything goes wrong it tries to handle it and does so very well. Just ask a doctor.

What's the probability such an advanced life would come about is infinite. Certainly larger than the time given from the beginning of the universe to today.

Think about that.


December 9, 2015, 7:19 am
My Thoughts
What is your supreme definer? The mechanism you use to define legitimacy or good?

When I was a child most USA citizens used Reason as their definer. Today it's become less definable. Today is the age of the Like button. People do things so they will be Liked on Facebook and getting there can mean doing anything: lying, deceiving, sexual exposure, I mean anything is done to get a Like.

Reason and Likability are very limited Definer's. They rely on the human brain and where the brain cannot think there is no answer.

I believe that God is the definer. He exists even if I don't, even if all mankind doesn't exist. He is the creator of the universe and he is the one that lays the laws of physics, biology, chemistry, geography to define legitimacy and good.

As the human mind becomes more learned it leads us further and further to the God of creation. It is very interesting that the God described in the Bible as the creator and his ways are not eliminated or nullified by science discoveries but they are confirmed. He is the designer of all that is unseen, including mathematics, physical laws, laws of chemistry and the laws of biology. Even if there was the un-mathematical chance life started on this earth without him, someone must come up with an explanation of how these laws are so beautifully established in our universe.

Think about that.


December 2, 2015, 1:37 pm
My Thoughts
Interesting archaeological news that adds to the evidence that the Old Testament is true.

Seal impression with King Hezekiah's name discovered in Jerusalem

August 10, 2015, 7:19 am
My Thoughts
Have you noticed how Evolutionsis always talk about the similarities of certain animals, Apes and Man as an example? Why don't they have an explanation for the diversity of life? Because if all life started with the same spark, then all living creatures came from that very origin. Sure they're looking for the missing link but that needs to include how the butterfly is related to the blue whale, how the ostrich is related to the polar bear, or how the ant is related to the elephant? Also how do they explain the differences of plant life or jellyfish?

I believe God created such a vast diversity of life as evidence that only by His hand was everything created.

Think about that.


November 11, 2015, 8:00 am
My Thoughts
Here is a good article about what is happening on Universities around the USA.


Quote from the article:
The reason every Marxist government in the history of the world turned massively repressive is not because they all had the misfortune of being hijacked by murderous thugs. It’s that the ideology itself prioritizes class justice over individual rights and makes no allowance for legitimate disagreement. (For those inclined to defend p.c. on the grounds that racism and sexism are important, bear in mind that the forms of repression Marxist government set out to eradicate were hardly imaginary.)

November 9, 2015, 12:49 pm
My Thoughts
More evidence that science is not a foundation that is sturdy enough to build a whole worldview upon. All we think we know, is not necessarily true, and how can we know anything at all, if we are a random accident? At any rate read the last sentence of the article. It's the punchline to the arguement.

Ancient brains turn paleontology on its head


October 29, 2015, 5:50 pm
My Thoughts
Is the Bible accurate?

I believe that the Bible is a very accurate text of ancient history.

There are lots of reasons why we can believe this. Simple logic, looking at one author of the New Testament, Luke records specifics that only a person doing what he said he was doing could know and record the facts as he did. All of the historical figures mentioned by Luke have been verified by extra-Biblical archaeological evidence or by historians records. Meaning the Bible and archaeology align very well. (And that includes nuance of accents and spellings that are unique in that they are non-conforming to the Greek language.)

Some people believe that the lack of evidence, in sources external to the Bible, is evidence that events or peoples lives isn't true. I always thought, just because something isn't recorded doesn't mean it isn't true. But that's giving credit for the absence of something and not having the evidence of it. That's why this article caught my attention 22 Ancient Shipwrecks.

Here is some of the text of the article:
Though Fourni didn't have major cities, it was notable in the ancient world for its location along Aegean crossing routes, both east-west and north-south. Early Imperial Roman sources say that Fourni was very prosperous, had a robust population and had marble mines in full operation, Koutsouflakis said. But mentions of the archipelago in late Roman texts are scant, which is why the divers were surprised that about half of the wrecks found in the survey date to this period.

'By the late Roman period, we don't really know anything about the island,' Koutsouflakis said. 'Fourni is hardly mentioned in the sources of that time. You see that the shipwrecks tell us a more nuanced story. The island must have maintained importance as a harbor site.'

Notice how the absence, in historical texts, of the very busy and robust region of Fourni, doesn't mean that it had diminished. On the contrary (contrary to the people that assumed events didn't take place because they weren't mentioned by a historian) Fourni was as busy during the periods where nothing is said about them.

So do not let the fact that there is not more evidence outside the Bible tarnish its veracity. On the contrary the Bible is the most well preserved and reliable ancient document in the world today. The number of copies, even in the second century, is astronomical compared to other ancient writings and also reveals accuracy and truth because if someone wanted to change scripture they would have had to change every copy and not just the single original version.

Think about it.


October 29, 2015, 9:21 am
My Thoughts

One way to look at wisdom is to say it's a working worldview.

A worldview is a web of understanding starting with the source of life, the reasons for intelligence, the understanding of good and evil, down to the question of, why is there death.

We all operate in the now, with pressures and important issues we must deal with every day. Wisdom gives us the why things are happening when they happen during, what insurance companies would call, a life event. Your worldview is the web that connects all these experiences or life events, in a unifying theme. These life events are: the birth of a baby, the death of a spouse, the emancipation of a child (as they leave for college or to start their career), divorce, etc. If your worldview doesn't take into account all life events, when you come face to face with the disconnected event, you will feel lost and threatened or alone and fearful and you will cry out 'why, why me'.

Wisdom, or the working worldview, explains the why and the how of all your experiences. Christians are not shaken because they stand on the Biblical worldview that explains any life event. They have the deeper understanding of why as explained in the Bible, God's word, disseminated through all time explaining the web of our experiences.

For example death in the Biblical Worldview:
Why is death so hard to deal with? Death was never supposed happen. It is only an effect due to the cause of disobedience of mankind. Death is now an important door by which we can return to the way we were created, without sin and without corruption and in perfect relationship with God. This is why we cry and feel so bad at the death of a loved one, it was never meant to be that way. We were created to live in harmony with God eternally, not to die. In our Biblical Worldview we can know that death is a positive in our life, for our souls, of course only if your sins have been forgiven and you've been washed clean by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Then you have been adopted into God's family and will abide there forever. The Bible says there will be no more hunger or pain or sorrow, and you will still be you. You wont lose your identity and become one with the energy of life or the atoms of your body won't be scattered across the universe without any recognition of YOU. God says you will still be you and you will have a special name that he will give to YOU.

Think about that.


October 27, 2015, 7:36 am
My Thoughts
Life is hard.

I know life is hard. Even in times of plenty, which describes the country and time in which I grew up, life is hard.

That's because of sin. Sin that has marred our relationships, sin has complicated our work, sin has caused all materials to rot, decay and wither away. We fight against it every day. (But this is ultimately good because this world of sin and pain will pass away, and the Bible says a new earth and a new heaven will replace this one where there will be no pain, or sorrow or hunger or poverty or broken relationships or rot or decay. I would not want to live in this theater of our universe forever.)

What's the solution? God says 'Take my yolk upon you, for my work is easy and by burden is light.' This means that as you work with God, he will provide. He will be your companion and guide. He will be there for you as your provider. He has promised never to leave or forsake you, so right now, trust in his promise and let your cares and concerns over food, shelter and water become His burden and watch Him work. Those who are broken and destitute have a front row seat to watch Him provide their needs. The greater the need, the more clearly you see Him. Those in plenty have a back row seat and cannot get a clear view of His work. All their possessions block their view. So praise Him for your position.

Think about that.


October 26, 2015, 8:02 am
My Thoughts
Jesus talks more about Hell than any one else in the Bible. He is also the only one that came from the otherside of life. Meaning he is the only one that has seen and understood Hell.

If we are aware of impending doom on this earth we would all warn others to avoid such an end. (This is why there are drives to stamp out cancer or overcome Alzhiemers, etc. Because people and loved ones that have been through the awefulness of the disease don't wish it on anyone but want a cure.)

Jesus has experienced heaven and hell and he has a Gospel drive going on right now, not to raise money, or gain fame but to warn humans about a destination that is terrible. No human has to arrive at such a destination as he, Jesus, has justly experienced the full wrath of God so we don't have to. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Think about that.


October 26, 2015, 7:53 am
My Thoughts
Jesus' favorite title for himself was Son of Man.

I love that he loved that title for several reasons. First I love the title because he wanted to identify completely with Mankind so much that he became a human. He didn't become son of ape, or son of dolphin or son of chimpanzee, he became a man. In doing so he placed a special purpose and 'office' on humans. We are the ones that God has chosen to redeem and through us he wants to preserve he world he created. Secondly, it singles out humans so distinctly that it mandates the specialness of humans in a world that thinks humans are just a random result of a non-scientific process of evolution. (Non-scientific because macro-evolution cannot be duplicated in the lab.)

It is awesome that Jesus wanted to be known as just another Man because it is only as a man, fully man and fully God, could he redeem all mankind so that we could be reconciled to God.


October 23, 2015, 8:46 am
My Thoughts
The Old Testament in the Bible is very difficult to understand. Many people that do not want to take the time to understand it create reactionary explanations for what they pick out of the text, usually out of context. Here are a couple of thoughts:

1) Slavery in the Old Testament and the New Testament was OK so today we would expect slavery to be OKay. First of all our culture can't even understand what a bond servant is, so to truely understand some of the comparisons, our minds have to think outside our culture and that's just too difficult for many people. So instead of just saying, slavery wasn't the same in ancient time as it is today is just to hard for some to understand. Be that as it may, the ancient and modern offices of slavery are very different offices of culture which brings a very important bearing to the discussion. Secondly though is that we must realize that what's written in the Bible is real life, not perfect life. It's a historical document of real people like Moses, a murderer; David, an adulterer and murderer; Gideon, a courageous warrior, and many many more. The emphasis being on God, who forgives and washes away our sins no matter how bad they are. These stories are an example to us so that we can see the deep love and deep mystery of God that he would forgive even us.

2) God commanded entire countries to be killed. This is troubling if you have the worldview that only can see the human perspective of life. To have a proper perspective we have to think of a bug in an operating room. From the perspective of the bug, being squished on the wall is very troubling. From the sterile people also in the operating room, the extermination is a valid end. The more amazing thought is that the head surgeon, God, instead of just annihilating all the bugs in the ER decided to become a bug and rescue all the other bugs from being squished on the wall. It's an amazing image of Love, where satan turns it upside down to focus only on the just punishment of the sinner, which he calls unjust.

Think about that.


August 10, 2015, 7:19 am
My Thoughts
Have you noticed how Evolutionists always talk about the similarities of certain animals, Apes and Man as an example? But why don't they have an explanation for the diversity of life? Because if all life started with the same spark, then all living creatures came from that very origin. Sure they're looking for the missing link but that needs to include how the butterfly is related to the blue whale, how the ostrich is related to the polar bear, or how the ant is related to the elephant? Also how do they explain the differences of plant life or jellyfish?

I believe God created such a vast diversity of life as evidence that only by His hand was everything created.

Think about that.


October 19, 2015, 2:45 pm
My Thoughts
If we are just a randomly collected pile of dust that thinks, moves and acts; can anyone hold us to a standard of rights and wrongs? If a dust storm blows across the desert, killing those in it's path should it be held to a standard of rights and wrongs? It too is just a random collection of particles. In the end we will all look alike anyway right? Even scientists recognize a beginning of the universe and they an end to the universe, so what's the difference anyway?

Look at the salt in your salt shaker. Can you hold it responsible for anything? They too are a random collection of crystals like your body.

Of course this is nonsense but many people that hold the agnostic or atheistic worldview borrow the argument for right and wrong, good and bad from the Christian worldview. They somehow think a universe without God, the definition of good and righteousness, can be held accountable for what it does. That's as insane as holding the wind accountable for where it blows or the planet Pluto accountable for it's position among the planets.

Without the definition of Good and Bad from above all creation there can be no definition of good and bad, nor can there be anyone responsible for their actions. Without a purpose there can be no understanding of good and bad. Purpose brings these things into focus. For example a hammer is good if it can pound nails into the wall, a watch is good if it can keep time accurately. A shoe is good if it protects the foot without pain. Whatever a thing is created for, it is known as good or bad in relation to it's purpose. You are created with a purpose, To glorify God by enjoying Him forever! Gain focus by fulfilling your purpose.

Since there is a God and he is the definition of righteousness then we are held accountable for our actions by Him and Him alone. Psalm 51:4 'Against you, you only, have I sinned.'

The biggest mystery of God is why he would even work at reconciling us to Himself by giving his own son to die for our sins? I don't know but I am so grateful that he did.

Think about that.

August 21, 2015, 12:07 pm
My Thoughts
The Teleological Argument goes like this:
1. Every design has a designer,
2. The universe has highly complex design.
3. Therefore, the universe had a Designer.

Issac Newton (1642-1727) implicitly confirmed the validity of the Teleological Argument when he marveled at the design of our solar system. He wrote, 'This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.'

Think about that,

February 23, 2015, 12:39 pm
My Thoughts
If you're reading this the rapture hasn't happened or it has and you've been left behind.

Christ has warned us, the first time he came was to bring peace and reconciliation, which he accomplished on the Cross. Through that sacrifice we have been reconciled to God and we can live with Him forever. That's great news. It's like having the richest man in the world for a Father, complete resources for our needs and satisfaction. Wow.

But Jesus also warned his second coming would be to bring judgement. He is a just God to whom this entire universe belongs and he will bring everything under his judgement. There will be a time though for 2.5 years between his second coming (when those who believe in him for salvation will be taken away) and the end of creation as we know it where you can still put your trust in Him. To do so means an eternity of satisfaction, not to do so means an eternity of dissatisfaction and destruction.

So if you've been left behind, there is still hope if you choose or elect to put yourself under his atoning sacrifice on the cross where his blood was shed in our place that you might live. We will all surely die but you can know you're death will just be a doorway to enter complete satisfaction and meaning. You will most likely loose your life if you proclaim the name of Jesus during the tribulation (the time between the second coming and the destruction of everything by fire.) But know this, He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose.

Think about that.


February 23, 2015, 12:49 pm
My Thoughts
Have you ever asked Jesus Christ into your heart.

Why do that? Because we all have a longing to be satisfied and meaningful and the only way to accomplish that is to thank Jesus for what he did on the cross for you. And show your thankfulness by following after Him.

Christianity is the only religion that is founded on the actions of the founder, not just his teachings but on the sacrifice of his blood. He became man so that he might die as a man, taking our sentence of capital punishment, so that we might live. He knew death could not hold him down so he resurrected and shall be our loving king throughout history and eternity. If you're not at the point that you know you desperately need Him, I pray that He does what it takes to open your eyes and mind so that you might know the truth before it's too late.


August 21, 2015, 12:21 pm
My Thoughts
Anthropic Principals:

There are more than 100 very narrowly defined constants that strongly point to an intelligent Designer. A few more:

1. If the centrifugal force of planetary movements did not precisely balance the gravitational forces, nothing could be held in orbit around the sun.

2. If the universe had expanded at a rate one millionth more slowly than it did, expansion would have stopped, and the universe would have collapsed on itself before any stars formed. If it had expanded faster, then no galaxies would have formed.

3. Any of the laws of physics can be described as a function of velocity of light (now defined to be 299,792,458 meters per second). Even a slight variation in the speed of light would alter the other constants and preclude the possibility of life on earth.

September 7, 2015, 10:39 am
My Thoughts
It seems a lot of atheists and I have several things in common. The first is that there are absolutes.

I believe that there is a God. I believe it is through his wisdom and understanding that He is the creator of all things seen and unseen, just as it has been documented in the Bible. (A medium of documentation that can span over many millennia. He didn't use 8-track tapes thank goodness.) I also believe that the Bible is God's message to us, a love letter describing how much He loves us. I believe that His one and only Son, Jesus the messiah, is the one and only savior for every tribe, nation and language. He is the broadest savior known in that no one must join another language, another nation or another tribe but everyone can embrace their own language, nation and tribe and love the savior Jesus Christ simultaneously.

Atheists believe that there is no God. This position is very similar to mine in that it is an absolute. If it's not absolute than all atheists are actually agnostics. They believe that there is no message to humans and that love is just a physical expression. Atheists believe there are no such things as miracles, or events that take place once and contradict the 'natural laws' (What is natural?) Except for the fact that life came into existence in a one time, never to be repeated, event that randomly happened as some undocumented event in the past. (This sounds like an Atheistic miracle to me.) Atheists believe in the zeitgeist of discovery. When their explanation becomes un-useful they move on to the newest explanation a human can understand at the time.

Atheists need to understand that science explains God's creation, it doesn't replace the need for a God or prove he doesn't exist. On the contrary science is an evidence that he does exist.

The only solid rock on which humans can stand through all millennia and eternity is Christ the savior for all who repent and believe.


August 21, 2015, 12:16 pm
My Thoughts
Anthropic Constant 5: Gravity--The gravity that is pulling the astronauts back home is still another anthropic constant. Its strength may be terrifying, but it couldn't be any different for life to exist here on earth. If the gravitational force were altered by 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent, our sun would not exist, and, therefore, neither would we. Talk about precision.

The probability such a force would exists 'naturally' is greater than there are known stars, or 100 octilion.

Think about that!


August 10, 2015, 7:18 am
My Thoughts
Have you noticed how Evolutionsis always talk about the similarities of certain animals, Apes and Man as an example? Why don't they have an explanation for the diversity of life? Because if all life started with the same spark, then all living creatures came from that very origin. Sure they're looking for the missing link but that needs to include how the butterfly is related to the blue whale, how the ostrich is related to the polar bear, or how the ant is related to the elephant? Also how do they explain the differences of plant life or jellyfish?

I believe God created such a vast diversity of life as evidence that only by His hand was everything created.

Think about that.


August 17, 2015, 11:12 am
My Thoughts
I have been praying for what I call an Elijah moment. Specifically the moment God clearly demonstrated himself, YHWH, the God of Israel, as the one true God. You can read about it in 1 Kings 18:20-39.

(Why am I praying this? Because if a hurricane moves toward USA shores and everyone prays to their idol and the hurricane does avoid landfall, then what god will get the credit? We need to clearly see that there is only one God.)

I do know of one Elijah moment coming and it could be very significant. What would you say if an event took place that was foretold thousands of years ago? It would be a type of Mt. Carmel moment. God has mentioned he will act at certain times in response to the culture, if it honored him or it dishonored him, it would receive blessings, or (in it's perspective) curses. (I say in the cultures perspective because when their view is extremely self centered when things are taken from them they think it's a cures. It really is like a loving father taking away a bee's nest from I child that thinks it's a toy. If they play with it, will it be a curse or consequences?)

At any rate there is a date YHWH has stated he would act. That day comes every 7 years on Elul 29 of the Jewish calendar. Now if he said he would act on this day and he does, it shows that he is in control. As the American culture moves further and further away from his commands as it was established, and the more self centered it becomes, it will require God to restructure the culture to move it back to dependence on Him. From God's perspective it is a blessing, but to the cultures perspective, it looses everything that is held in high respect, money, and have nothing but God to rely upon.

So God promised to act on Elul 29 every seven years. 14 years ago that was on September 11, 2001 and God sent a warning that he will act in a way to cause people to seek his face. 7 years ago it was the largest Stock market drop in history. He was trying to get people to realize they need to rely on him and not money. This year it is on September 13, 2015. Since 2001 the USA has accepted not only the sacrifice of unborn children (similar to the way the Israelite's sacrificed their babies to Molech) now, since the last Shemita the USA and trampled on God design for marriage and has not repented of it's ways.

September 13, 2015 could be a big shaking of the USA to make it wake up and realize our dependence on Him and Him alone. It also coincides with an astronomical rarity where there are 4 blood moons within the Shemita year and the last one falling just a few days after the Elul 29. (The title of blood mooon is not a christian explanation of the event but a common name, even used in reference by NASA. It is the description of the appearance of a total lunar eclipse. All four of these events are visible from the USA.) Is this what's mentioned in LINK Acts 2:20?

So we know the culture in the USA is moving away from God, we've seen the signs of the blood moon's and know God has acted on Elul 29 with a strong hand the past 2 Shemita holidays, will he Act this year on September 13?

It's interesting to investigate and explain this before the event takes place, but the whole reason God is doing this is to draw people back to himself and only the one true God. As long as it is called today please seek His face for he has given you forgiveness by taking the punishment upon himself that you might be adopted as sons and daughters in his family, to live with him and fulfill your purpose.

Please ask God for His forgiveness which he extends to everyone who will believe that Jesus died for your sins. No money is necessary, no education is needed, no promises to the church, just a promise that Jesus will be your God.

Think about that.
Love Dad

August 10, 2015, 7:13 am
My Thoughts
Have you noticed how Evolutionsis always talk about the similarities of certain animals, Apes and Man as an example? Why don't they have an explanation for the diversity of life? Because if all life started with the same spark, then all living creatures came from that very origin. Sure they're looking for the missing link but that needs to include how the butterfly is related to the blue whale, how the ostrich is related to the polar bear, or how the ant is related to the elephant? Also how do they explain the differences of plant life or jellyfish?

I believe God created such a vast diversity of life as evidence that only by His hand was everything created.

Think about that.


July 14, 2015, 9:43 am
My Thoughts
As science learns more and more about the complexity of life and the improbability of an environment that can hold life they are getting closer and closer to proving the existence of God.

The Teleoligcal Argument, 1. Every design had a designer. 2. The universe has highly complex design, 3. Therefore the universe had a Designer. There are more than 200 very narrowly defined constants that strongly point to an intelligent Designer. Like the oxygen level, atmospheric transparency, moon earth gravitational interaction, Carbon Dioxide Level, Gravity, centrifugal force, universe expansion rate, the speed of light, water vapor levels, Jupiter, thickness of earths crust, rotation of the earth, 23 degree axil tilt of earth, the atmospheric discharge, more seismic activity, etc.

The Anthropic Principle (The universe is extremely fine tuned and must have a creator.) The Anthropic Principle is becoming stronger as science proves DNA does not have junk strings in it, but the entire strand of the DNA is used to make life. The repetitive aspects seem to be more like the repetitive aspects of data on a hard drive. Sure the hard drive just has zeros and ones but they are all necessary to represent the data on the drive.

Think about that.


July 14, 2015, 9:30 am
My Thoughts
The flowers in the forest grow where they are. They do not wilt because they are outside the forest, or in a more prominent place where people can gawk at them. They bloom to the best of their ability where they are.

Likewise don't worry where you are, right now. I challenge you to grow in stature and wisdom in the Lord.

June 19, 2015, 9:30 am
My Thoughts
What does it mean to live in the Kingdom of God.

From our earthly perspective it's hard for us to think of kingdom's overlapping in land and territories, but to understand the Kingdom of God we must embrace the concept that there are two kingdoms fighting over the same territory, and that territory is Earth.

How can you tell who is of which Kingdom? It's easy to identify which people are in which kingdom, and that's by observation.

Those who obey the ten commandments and live loving God as though he were their wonderful father, who adopted them through the transaction of Jesus in the cross, are living in the Kingdom of God. They will live lives that honors God and be completely dependent on the knowledge revealed by God, the Bible, to be the epitome of understanding of life on this earth.

Those who rebel against the 10 commandments are living in the second kingdom. Their thoughts and actions rebel against the first 5 commandments drastically. They will say there is no God, they will say there is no reason to honor Him or his Name, they will live lives the honors themselves and the puffed up knowledge they hold to be the epitome of understanding of life on this earth to Date.

The important issues to examine are whether you understand the fact that there are two kingdoms, and to which kingdom to you belong and what is the destiny of both kingdoms? The Kingdom of God is to last forever and ever. It is to become the perfect place of life in which we can become completely that which God created us to be, without spot, blemish or sin. The Kingdom of Satan is also to last forever and ever. It is to become the outcast place of death in which souls will become completely destroyed, eternally blemished, distorted and broken and completely incapable of doing what they were created to do. (Like an aluminum can that has been crushed with holds and disfiguration can never again be used and delight itself in the purpose for which it was made. It can only be melted down to become new again.

I warn you my children, the time which you can be made new again is only as long as it is called Today, Hebrews 3:13. Once your body dies you have sealed your fate to either satisfaction and completion of your purpose or the complete dissatisfaction and brokenness.

Choose carefully. I love you.


June 19, 2015, 9:22 am
My Thoughts
Worship is more than words.

Living in Christ is not about working your way into salvation, no the work is completed, signed sealed and delivered on the cross of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Living in Christ is worship. But it is a worship that is more than words. It is a worship that encompasses every office of life you hold, and by office I mean; Wife, Husband, Father, Daughter, Son, Employee, Employeer, Neighbor, Scientist, Doctor, etc. As we live in the light of truth in each of our offices we are worshiping our God, Yehweh, with all our faculties. Yes, words are important as the scriptures tell us to sing songs with words that recall our God's amazing grace and love, but it's more than just that. Being a christian doesn't mean you park yourself in a church every Sunday for 1, 2 or 3 hours, No, it's a life of worship.

Please don't confuse worship with works. It is important that you don't see yourself as accomplishing anything to improve your status or position in Christ. Who can add to the accomplishment of Jesus on the Cross? No one! You can only express your gratitude in a life full of Worship and Love towards HIM in return.


May 11, 2015, 12:04 pm
My Thoughts
Buried deep in creation is God's message of renewal.

Spring is a sign of God's renewal for His creation. Here in Hudson we are well into spring and we are enjoying the flowers, trees and sunshine after a long very cold winter.

Winter is the reminder that death is a process of the condition of our creation. It wasn't His original plan but when sin entered the world, by Man's choice, God placed a door in His creation to a better place and that door is the death of the body. This door-way can lead to complete satisfaction and glory or destruction and angst. Just like the first person to choose their fate, with God or without, we have the choice right now to say God is my Lord and I will follow Him and His revelation of Himself through His one and only son Jesus Christ, or say 'I'm not sure if there is a God and it's much more appealing to live outside of His Word, so I'm going to reject Him in this life and hope there is no after life.' A warning: for those who don't follow after Him, I ask you to challenge the Source of your hope, that there is no afterlife. For those who believe, our Hope is placed in God's evidence in His special revelation through Scripture, which compliments his general revelation of His amazingly designed and beautiful Creation.

Genesis 8:22 says, 'As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.' So no matter how bad the supposed global warming gets we can always count on summer and winter as God's way of reminding us of His mercy through renewal.

Thank you God that you provide renewal in life. In the experience of relationships we have on this earth, in the experience of joy on this earth and especially with you and our eternal souls.

Think about that!


April 20, 2015, 2:40 pm
My Thoughts
I had a discussion with someone recently that expressed confusion over some of the recorded history in the Old Testament of the Bible. He said it just didn't make sense that a loving God would order the annihilation of an entire people group.

I responded by saying that I am actually more astounded that God would have mercy and grace on any one people group.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We know this no matter what worldview you hold. It is the foundation for the saying, 'Nobody's perfect'. It's that missing the mark in our lives that is the sin that binds us in shackles. What is the penalty for missing the mark? Well for a Holy, Righteous Perfect God it is death. He gave life to you and he has the power and the authority to take it from you. How is he going to take if from you? Well for some it will be in war and violent acts, for some it will be the pain of illness and others it will be the exhaustion of the physical body. We are all going to die, without a set of rules that exists above all cultures there can be no universal good or bad, therefore without God it's impossible to call good, good, much less to judge actions of people across cultures.

It is a greater mystery that God is willing to spare a people Group. But it makes sense that He would spare those who love Him and believe the One he sent, Jesus Christ, as the penealty paid in full. An infinite being died that all might live, all who confess that Jesus Christ is lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the Dead, to show exactly who He is. He is the creator of life and even death. And as creator the created could not hold him down and therefore after he dealt with Sin he rose again to return to His rightful place as the intercessor and advocate of all who believe.

Do you believe?


April 17, 2015, 7:53 am
My Thoughts
C.S. Lewis stated that Man is not a body with a soul, Man is a soul with a body.

If we are to live the worldview that is described in the Bible, the infallible Word of God, then we need to consider the ramifications. (Remember this is the only worldview that has come from an outsider of our world, our frame of reference. It's come from an uncontaminated one into the contaminated arena.)

If we are just a body then we must nurture and care for it above all else. That means a workout becomes more important than a Bible Study. It means counting calories and making sure you limit saturated fats and carbohydrates is as important to your life as anything else.

If on the other hand we are a soul, with a body, then we understand Jesus words that we will never die. The soul, that currently has a body, isn't going to be consumed or decay no, it will live on eternally. This is how Jesus' worldview was so different than his peers. When he looked at people, he saw their soul and their plight 10,000 years from his interaction with them. There's no workout of the body that will have an effect 10,000 years from now.

Telling the truth is important for the soul. It may hurt in this world of matter, but it will be a small consequence compared to the eternal consequence. Life lived as Jesus lived is a life of freedom and joy. He was not conformed by his world and the corrupt leaders of his time on earth, no he lived a life of truth and grace. (I'm not talking works salvation here, but there is something to be said that When the Books are open and things read of our life on earth, rewards are given. And that's not the Book of Life, it is only called the Books.)

Live for the health of your soul today. You are a soul with a body and the soul will live on and on and on...


April 17, 2015, 8:07 am
My Thoughts
Advice: When you do something, document it. If you are following documentation to complete your task, edit it, correcting what didn't work with what does work.

I had a very hard time documenting things in my life, but I've found when you do, you can critique the activity and make it more efficient or easier and you'll be able to delegate the task by sharing the document with others.

Think about it.

March 12, 2015, 8:58 am
My Thoughts
Sometimes we get tired of mundane days, but don't let the same-old same-old get you down. It's actually a blessing that your life is in a peaceful place where events and issues are predictable. It's when the unpredictable happens and you can't get back to where you were, and that isn't the same-old same-old but you sure wish it was.


February 23, 2015, 12:27 pm
My Thoughts
God's Laws

Think of them as channel markers.

I grew up in Miami Florida and my family had a motor boat that we'd take out to the reef to snorkel or fish. One of the important things to learn as you operate a boat on the coast is traveling safely out-of and into port. Even if you don't have maps you can keep your boat off the reef or shoals by going through the channel marked by channel markers. These are posts that have been placed into the floor of the bay or ocean that stick up 15 to 20 feet above the surface of the water and are topped with red triangles or green squares that indicate edge of the channel. Are they there to confine us, no they are there to show the way by which we can safely make it out of the harbor. Without them it would be very problematic as many boats would end up grounding themselves on the bottom where their motor would get stuck in the sand, or grass or coral. Sure there are some areas where at low tide you can just see the shallow areas and avoid them, but especially at night or during heavy weather it's nice to follow the channel markers that show how to safely make it to port.

God's laws are the same. They are markers that clearly mark how to safely navigate through this life.

Think about that.


February 23, 2015, 12:15 pm
My Thoughts
Proper Perspective.

God's laws are remarkable. Think about a perfect city and it would ultimately end up looking like a place where the 10 commandments are not violated. There would be no wanting, no abuse, no theft, no broken commitments or lying. Such a place where no violations occur would free up all security resources for fun activities. It would free up AntiVirus needs and the need for keys, locks, bank vaults and safety deposit boxes and the need for police and the army and etc. etc. You see the point that without the need for all these things there would be plenty of money to feed the poor and take care of the needy. This is the reason Jesus said the poor you will always have. He knows that our sinful hearts create a community where so much of our resources go to protecting and defending what's right that the budget would never balance. The funds necessary for all would funnel towards things we need in a fallen world.

We are on this world now in it's broken state, even creation itself morns it's state, but be thankful because we are not doomed to dwell here forever. Death is the door, the exit of this corruption, into freedom and satisfaction as we trust in Jesus Christ's atonement for us (humans) on the cross. Yes, in our state we choose to disobey the 10 commandments and therefore we live with locks and keys and vaults and safes and murder and guns and violence and so much more, but God has given us a way that when he restores all things justly we will be found just and we shall be established in His eternal kingdom that externally as well as internally will exist.

Think about that.

February 22, 2015, 8:22 am
My Thoughts
Pilgrims. That's what the Bible calls those who follow after Jesus Christ. (The word Christ is just the Greek word for the Jewish term Messiah.) As pilgrims we should realize this is not our destination, but only a hallway to our destination. I don't like living in hallways, they are small and confining. There's not much room to do anything in them but they do have a purpose.

Like the hallway though we have an entry point into this life and an exit. No one can choose their entry point but right now you can choose your exit. That exit is either following after Christ Jesus by relying on His blood to forgive you of your sin and you exit into satisfaction (If you say you don't have any sins, just imagine a speaker standing in front of a large gathering and he shows videos of you doing your sins. How long would it be before you say, 'Ok, ok stop.'), OR exit #2, you rely on yourself to pay for your sins and you enter into dissatisfaction. Why dissatisfaction, it is due to the fact that your eternal soul will be in eternal penalty when measured against the eternal, infinite, holy God.

Don't delay. Right now pray to God and ask Jesus into your heart, acknowledging that without him you are without hope in this world and the next, so that you can experience satisfaction in this life and experience complete satisfaction in the next. You are in the hallway, do it before you exit.


February 18, 2015, 10:13 am
My Thoughts
I had an MRI taken yesterday and in preparing for the scan, I was led to a room where I was to undress and put on a hospital gown. It is customary to put all your things into a locker, lock it and then proceed to the scan.

I was thinking about the worldview that explains the need to lock everything up. It must consider whether people are innately bad with a propensity to do good or innately good with a propensity to do bad.

Were there Bad people at the hospital that would steal my clothes? Why would I be locking everything up? Does the hospital hire only bad people or does their human resources weed out all the bad applicants and hire only the good ones?

Scripture says that everyone is evil and they all have a propensity to do good. that's why no matter who is around we must lock our things down, everyone is capable of stealing at any moment. (Including stealing time on the job from your employer, etc.)

How does your world view explain the need to lock up things in such an environment?

Think about that.

February 7, 2015, 10:00 am
My Thoughts
Communication is difficult.

There are several ways of going about expressing yourself. One way is to use words to describe an object for it's face value. An example would be to describe a teddy bear as dark brown with button eyes and a thread nose and claws printed on the end of it's arms and legs. But life is more than just a description of the senses. Another way to describe it is through the passion of a child that loves their teddy bear and a friend and loyal companion that bring comfort, fun and peace.

It's hard to describe passion and much harder to communicate someone elses' passion. If I tried to describe my daughters passion for ballet I would have to mention the beauty of the dance, the majestic expression of her face as she dances and the amazement I receive watching her dance ballet. Now if I asked my son to communicate his passion for ballet, it would be short because he doesn't have any.

In that light the Bible is communicating God's passion for us. It's written by a third party trying to describe how the God of the universe loves mankind. (Some people have a difficult time believing God, but please consider if God is real, wouldn't he express himself in the exact way He has in the history of our world? Evidence of Him in every age and His love overflowing through art, music, creativity and scripture. Any other way He might show up wouldn't be as compassionate in giving us the opportunity to love Him for is Love to us.)

Think about that.
Love, Dad

February 19, 2015, 7:55 am
My Thoughts
Luke 8:16New International Version (NIV)
A Lamp on a Stand

16 “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

The clay jar stands for work or schooling. Do you go to work every day and allow the issues to swallow your joy in Christ? Do the worries and cares of the week or month cause your light to be hidden? Does peer pressure force you to hide Christ's light? Or do you just miss the wonders of Jesus in the world that surrounds you because you are consumed with the chance to gain more money? You might be a lumberjack that walks through a beautiful forest and only see the value behind each tree and not the beauty of God's handiwork.

The only difference between some poor homeless person and the super wealthy is the cost of their clothes and their food. But both can be lazy. Do you let the times of relaxing and rest or play and vacation consume you so much that you're seen as a person of laziness instead of someone that clearly shows they are followers of Christ in the deeds they do?

Take inventory of whether you are caught up in your job/school or overly seek your vacation time, and honestly look at how the world sees you?

Think about that.

March 31, 2015, 7:17 am
My Thoughts
Much like a piece of music, the Christian life is meant to live out in harmony with God and His creation. Also like an orchestra, we are not meant to be alone.

Somewhere in the 20th century, in the USA, Christianity became an individual's practice. This was different than the original idea of the Body of Christ, the Church, being like a human body with many different parts and functions.

Sure there are no grandchildren of God, everyone must have a personal relationship with Him that the blood of Christ can atone for sin, and the event of surrendering your life to Christ as savior is an enormous, personal, event, but it doesn't stop there. The regenerated life is meant to live in community.

Like a violin solo is beautiful, there is a greater beauty in adding each piece of the orchestra until every section is playing in harmony.

If you are trying to live the Christian life alone and feel like you are failing, know that Christianity is not meant to live it out, alone. Find a church of Bible believing, teaching believers and join with them in living your life for Christ.


December 15, 2014, 2:59 pm
My Thoughts
Word picture of mankind, made for heaven, living on earth.

Picture perfect people as helium balloons. Helium balloons that have an upwards tug, floating high above the pull of gravity. They drift upwards until the limiting restraints are taught, this is the physical body. This is the position people are supposed to have as they dwell on this earth. Above the natural pull of corruption and despair, having the glorified promises of glory with a natural pull towards heaven and not the downwards tug of sin. (At death the 'string' is cut and those filled with the helium of heaven float up to be with the Lord.)

It's natural to understand that we, as humans, are supposed to rise above the earth and if we, humans, are not filled with the helium of heaven we attempt to raise ourselves by means of sticks and other apparatus, to make it look like we float freely upwards filled with satisfaction. But, remove the apparatuses and without the helium of heaven we drift back down to earth.

People use religion as sticks to make them 'rise' above the earth and they use power, money, fame and even the green ideology to 'rescue all mankind from destruction' to make them appear as though they are flying high, but inside they are empty and confused about what life is all about. But again, remove these sticks and you have empty people that crash back to earth and despair. Why, because people are created for God, to praise and worship him yet without the helium of heaven they are doomed to sink.

Are you filled with God or do you have something else lifting you up. Are you truly empty or satisfied?


November 3, 2014, 8:47 am
My Thoughts
I believe Irwin Lutzer came up with the image that people, in their sinful state are like human bodies walking around on the ocean floor desperately seeking that satisfying thing, which they don't know is air but they know it's something. They know it because the human body wasn't created for the bottom of the ocean and they are desiring what they were created for. The thought of eternity is like that, we can't grasp it on this sinful earth but we can know it, maybe not explain it (Stephen Hawking tries by creating something called imaginary time. At least scientists now agree with scripture that time and space has a beginning.), but it's deep in our design as human beings because we weren't created as finite. When we find God we find oxygen and satisfaction and life come into our life. Everything that was unsatisfying before we understand since as life into our eternal spirit. Sin may have been fun in the body, but by the following morning we were left empty and sick of our life again. There is no other way to get that oxygen that fills us for more than one night but by Jesus Christ because he is the only one that came down from the oxygen rich Heaven to give us the connection to that healing breath.

I pray that you will experience life through Jesus Christ so you can experience the eternal breath of life and find satisfaction now.


September 29, 2014, 1:23 pm
My Thoughts
An interesting movie that came out this summer is, X-Men, Days of Future Past. In order to understand this thought you might have to see the movie. (About the movie: I sure wish the blue girl wore clothes to cover her body during her natural look, she wears clothes in every other form she takes, but please look past that even though I really don't like that.)

What I do like is this thought:
Today is a good day, but lets consider what decisions might we make today that would cause a future you to try to travel back through time to tell you, don't make that stupid move that will change history, your history and others, forever.

In the movie someone travels back through time to stop a murder. Well, that's a good place to start, decide not to commit murder. Include all the other rules of a perfect city, no stealing, no lying, no adultery, be content, love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

There are positive thoughts to apply to your life today too. Consider a monitary investment today that would mature in 40 years, it could multiply a few hundred dollars into a few million. Investments in knowledge today built on more investment tomorrow could cause you to climb higher than any other person in your field, yes, making you valuable but also putting you in a place to help more people than you would be able to if you spend the time in cheap games and tricks in a carnival.

Another fun movie is Ground Hog Day. The character moves past his lusts and desires to a point where he benefits himself by learning to play piano, learning other languages, investing in others and creating community.

Invest in your future today, in time and money. A little time spent or savings put away today could change your future a whole lot.

God Bless!


September 1, 2014, 8:53 pm
My Thoughts
Information on genomes: LINK.

Have you noticed that evolutionists always mention the similarities between species to give evidence to the evolutionary process? What they need to describe though is not the similarities between species but the vast differences. If all life originates from the same spark (which I guess could be called a miracle because it happened once and only once in the history of time) than somehow the butterfly and the Blue whale have the same lineage. What can suffice as an explanation of the difference of life, giraffes vs spiders, elephants vs humming birds, cassowaries vs sea horse.

Evolutionists need to get busy and come up with the difficult answers and not just fool around with guessing about some possible easy ones.

Think about that.


August 30, 2014, 9:54 pm
My Thoughts
Is this World better than what's out there?

The pain in this world is real and severe, but is it possible that it could be worse? (A complete worldview is one that will withstand any test of any persons experience on this earth, and by that I mean a person in Iraq holding to Biblical truth has as much validity to their faith as a person in LA, California. They can both grieve in heart of sadness due to the death of a loved one, they can both be diagnosed with a terminal disease, they can both be victims of terrible abuse and they can also enjoy the benefits this world has to offer in their relationship to God. The Bible explains the occurrence of their experiences.)

Yes, there is pain on this earth, in this solar system, but is this existence protecting us from something even worse. Is it possible that there is evil beyond what even man is capable of outside the boarders of the limited physical world? Is it possible that what man does to man is only the kindergarten of evil? Possibly?

And maybe if there is something completely holy, which we could not exist in it's presence then we are the ones that would be expunged. We would be removed because of justice and not because of evil. We would be removed because we are the evil, the rebels, in the presence of holiness.

Like a pet dog enjoys the safety of their crate at night, not that it's a cage, but because it's a protection. Maybe we people need to enjoy the safety of our world even though it's not perfect or even perfectly clean, because what's outside is inconceivably more threatening.

Think about that.


August 24, 2014, 10:54 am
My Thoughts
What is idolatry?

Idolatry is lying at work so you don't get into trouble. It is stealing food to eat. It is cheating on a test at school.

Here's the connection with idolatry and your life. God is in charge of all life and as a believer you need to realize that. If you don't behave as though he is, you will bow to other god's in expectation they will provide what you need. When you lie at work about doing something wrong or you've failed to do something at all, you are leaving God and bowing to the god of pride. What should be done, is to keep God on the throne and under his command, don't lie. He is your provider and no other god will help you. If you fully trust in him He will provide a job for you even when you tell the truth, but you must tell the truth if you want to remain a child of God.

If you're in school and you decide to cheat, then you are also bowing to the god of pride. You want to look better than you are. If you accept who you are and remain a child of the true God then he will provide for your career and wherever your honest grades take you. If you create a disparity of your performance and you capabilities then you are just setting yourself up for failure when you get out of school. Let God provide for your future as you remain honest in your character, instead of bowing to any other gods.

Thank about that.


August 22, 2014, 1:47 pm
My Thoughts
(Written in 2014)

Will there be a day when most cars are self driven and the person behind the wheel is a minority.

Google is currently developing the self driving car. It sounds cool and certainly could reduce accidents, as it communicates with vehicles around it, as it considers traffic patterns miles ahead along it's planned route, as well as allowing the passengers to Text or work while they are in transit, but it could also greatly change the reach of the law.

Think about it. Today the term, 'let me Google that', means that you want to find out about something or someone. I've even Googled myself to see what's out there, there is absolutely nothing out there under my name. So it's not a big stretch to merge the Google car with the Google search engine to a point that, when a person enters a Google car, like a current taxi, a camera in the cab takes a picture of the passenger and Google's them. Upon the results it either, drives them straight to the police station because they have an outstanding warrant, or refuses to take them to their destination because they are registered sex offender or even more focused because they are too religious or are supporters of the 'wrong' political party. Who will decide?

Maybe we are in the Wild-West of driving and we'll talk about how humans had complete control to go as fast as their car could drive, swerving as they liked from lane to lane, causing road rage and accidents. In the civilized future they'll be aghast at such thoughts and cars will loose their status.

Then a little further in the future the same will be said of the flying or droid taxi. Instead of sinking money into paved roads and salt in the winter and cement patches and overpasses and exit ramps and traffic lights, parking lots, all road traffic will give way to the droid that carries people from point to point. Amazon will start this process with it's droid package delivery system but once that's perfected it won't be long before taxi companies are building bigger droids that carry people are used. Those will also take you if you are 'OK'. But who will say what's OK.

Think about that.


Edit 2016: It seems writers of Home read this blog post as the flying cars used by the Boov have user verification for outstanding warrants and stop running if a fugitive is identified.

August 13, 2014, 8:39 am
My Thoughts
The evidence of the merging of chromosomes is important in the worldview of humanistic evolution. This worldview points out that great apes have 48 chromosomes and humans have 46 chromosomes. With strong microscopes and their schooling they say there is evidence that appears to give testimony that two chromosomes in the human genome have merged together and therefore have produced a higher level of life.

It is important to realize that the humanistic evolutionary worldview puts scientists at the highest level of understanding and determination. Whatever a human scientist says, is their foundation for understanding. It seems to me a very prideful position to take, that they are the keepers of right and wrong thinking. (Christians believe this is a position held only by God.)

There is certainly the merging of chromosomes that can be observed in medicine today, but it's important to consider the outcome of the merging to get a complete picture. Whenever there is a merging of chromosomes it results in severe dysfunction or defect in a living body. Over 4000 diseases can be identified with the merging of chromosomes or mutations. (Only in Hollywood do mutations produce improvements, and maybe that's because they hold the humanistic evolutionary worldview and use movies to propagate the idea.)

What of our observational abilities:
I would also mention that a human observes that the sun 'moves' across the sky and 'to think otherwise would possibly think God is deceiving us.' This is the type of argument evolutionists hold with the chromosome idea. We know through the investigation, of Christian's who were scientists, that we live in a solar system, where the planets revolve around the sun. It is only due to our perspective as observers on the face of the earth that we observe things in a certain way. I say the same is true of all of our observations, and especially our cutting edge discoveries and therefore it is not that God is deceiving us if we observe something that might not make plain sense, it is only because we have yet to understand the full picture.

Think about that.


In addition to this, I've been thinking about how Humanistic Evolutionists never talk about the hard explanations of the diversity of life. They only point to similar creatures and try to craft their explanations around them, like the similarities of monkeys and humans or birds and possibly dinosaurs. BUT they need to come up with how all things came from the first spark of life. How is it that the butterfly and the blue whale came about, or what is the relation between the ostrich and the ant, or how about the puffer fish and how it's related to the giraffe?

August 12, 2014, 9:37 am
My Thoughts

Ezekiel 33:6 New International Version (NIV)

6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.

God acts in accordance with all His character traits, all the time. He cannot overlook a crime because He feels like it. He must be just to all people all the time, but He is also loving. It's very clear that 'No one is perfect' and I must warn everyone that unless you are perfect, God's justice will require payment for your imperfection. But God's love provides a way for His justice to be satisfied in the death of His one and only Son to be the eternal sacrifice for all who believe. Romans 10:10


July 31, 2014, 12:28 pm
My Thoughts
Question 7: What is the meaning of history?

A) It's linear with a beginning and an ending. (Creationist and Materialist.)

1. Biblical Creationist:

People say that all religions are the same. Well, that's not true. All but one religion have a list of teachings that must be kept. That set of teachings of any religion came through a holy man that connected the spirit world with humans on earth. It really doesn't matter who that man or woman was. The teachings could have come through any person that was deemed holy enough. So history doesn't make or break any religion except one.

That one religion is Christianity. If Christ hasn't come and died and rose from the dead, then Christians are most to be pitied. Why is that? It's because Jesus is a being with eternal value, summing up to more than all men together. He is the son of God, equivalent to God himself, a part of the trinity. Only one such carnation exists and it is Jesus. It's only this Jesus that could die as a human that would satisfy the penalty of all men, in one death. All other people, when they die, die for their own sin, no one could die for anyone else for they must atone first for themselves..

Without the death of Jesus, the gospel 'The Good News', becomes worthless. Christianity isn't about how you are supposed to live a life. It isn't about teachings and stories and morality, it's about history. That God, after creating our universe in perfection, yet leaving a door for humans to walk through to see if they would be obedient or rebellious, he watched as humans choose rebellion and to reject him. He then as just God, took upon himself the penalty of a rebellious race so that justice might be satisfied and a rebellious human race could be righteous again.

2. Materialists understand the observable universe is in an expansion state. It will either keep expanding and reach a state of no energy or it will contract back into a singularity to re-explode into an expansion state. What happens in the expansion times is really a moot point as it's here today and gone tomorrow, with nothing breaching the times between singularities.

B) It's cyclical and what has happened will happen again. (Deja vu) (Buddhist)

C) It's nothing. There is no meaning. It's just random cause and affect. (Humanistic materialist.)

Another thought is, who created time, or where did it come from. It's an organization of things that is required for life. It's almost like the organization of a file cabinet, which doesn't happen 'naturally'. My desk is always a mess because I don't take the time to organize it. Logically there must be an Organizer of things, who created the file-cabinet called time. Without time then cause and effect, action-reaction, and evolution could never take place. To say it just is, is your description of prime reality.

Think about it.


July 31, 2014, 10:35 am
My Thoughts
Question 6: What happens when a person dies?

Each worldview question helps to crystalize your worldview. As you've been thinking about questions 1 through 5, maybe you've been experiencing a perspective shift. You've been trying to figure out how to answer the questions so as to make sense of all of them. By that I mean, you can't answer that Matter is prime reality but then think God has a purpose for Man. If there is no God, then there is no purpose. If there is only Matter than knowledge can only come from our observation and not from an all knowning God. If there is nothing that knows all there is to know than we have no source of knowledge of anything that we can grasp. Right and wrong cannot come from an external source who is all Good and knows all, it must come from observations of survival (but even survival requires killing at times. I do like the TV show 24 because it's always questioning what's right and wrong and portraying why people make decisions to do bad things).

According to how you've answered the questions leading to question number 6, I could answer this question for you.

If you are a materialist, you will answer that man's experience is terminated when his body dies.

If you are a body and soul person, you will answer that man's experience continues when his body dies. That continuation could be:

1. Re-incarnation to a different level of the physical and the migration of the soul to nirvana, or to a lesser state depending on how 'good' you have lived. (Nirvana; a state of energy where there is no thought or individuality but like a drop of water in the bucket you merge with all the other drops and cease to exist individually yet join in the universal energy of eternity without pain or sorrow or suffering. This state really sounds like death to me as if I loose my identity then I'm gone.) A side note: Have you ever wondered why people of India aren't more into helping the less-fortunate of their land? It's mainly because the less-fortunate are that way because they are 'paying' for their bad behavior of a previous life and if they don't experience that bad to the fullest, their pain will only be delayed. Therefore the best thing for you to do in helping a less-fortunate is to ignore them, let them die and after their suffering life, they will come back in a healthy, rich life. This is where you see a clash of cultures when Westerners go in and try to alleviate the pain of the poor diseased in India because the physical body is the most important to care for WHILE the Indian people of Eastern perspective look beyond the physical, into the next incarnation of the soul as the hope to come.

2. A detached state where the soul exists elsewhere in the universe, maybe on earth for awhile to 'haunt' the places where you lived and then you go somewhere else. I'm not sure if this belief holds that the soul is eternal or not.

3. Heaven or Hell. Heaven is where a person can and does live a life to the fulfillment of their purpose. Hell is where a person is incapable of living life to the fulfillment of their purpose.

In other words, Heaven is living out the 10 commandments in community where there is no death, no deceit, no lying, no wanting anything, no cheating, no dishonor. Where as in Hell there is deceit, lying, wanting, cheating, dishonor, pain. It's up to us to choose the door back into Heaven, like I mentioned: man walked through a door at the detriment of the universe, causing it's contaminated state. Likewise you too now have the choice to walk through the second door back into a place where all this suffering ceases to be and you can live your purpose. Jesus said I am the door. So depending on you 'walking' through His door, either you free yourself of the contamination or you remain in the contamination, forever. You may say that's not fair. Actually it is. Fair would be to allow us to remain in our contaminated state forever for we chose to walk through the first door. (Sure we say it was Adam and Eve but if everyone had remained perfect up to me then the story would state John bit the apple, or walked through the door setting himself apart from God. And you would do the same. So instead of the shaming and having our names as the culprit we don't have the bad press for which I'm grateful.) What Jesus prepared as a Door was to satisfy a perfect justice in his death, that instead of overlooking bad things 'just because' there is complete justice in extending to us his forgiveness, to those who believe.

'I stand at the door and knock.'


July 30, 2014, 11:26 am
My Thoughts
Question 5: How do we know right from wrong?

Having considered our capacity for thought and thinking, as either an extension of the brain or with the added capacity of a soul, we need to consider what makes up right from wrong.

Secular evolutionists believe, we behave and do things as a result of the natural selection of our ancestors. Because behaving one way has produced stronger communities, such actions are called good, and things that ruin communities have become to be called bad. All good and evil can be called a thinking mans ability to protect themselves in the natural selection process, but there is nothing above the cause and effect in the evolutionary process.

Creationists believe there is a standard of right and wrong that stands far above man, animals, planets and stars. Right and wrong can also be called: the purpose of Man. Man was created with a purpose and when we live outside that purpose it's called wrong. When man lives inside that purpose it's called right. If all Man were to live within that high standard of life, life would be beautiful. No murder, no adultery, no theft, no lying, no unsatisfied hearts. You could allow your teenage daughter to spend an evening in New York city without fear of her being violated or robbed or killed. Why don't we live with purpose? Because of the fact that we walked through the Door, mentioned in questions 1 and 2, and by our choice as humans we left God and no one can do the last 5 purposes of life (Called the 10 commandments) without also doing the first 5 purposes of life.

Remember the 10 commandments weren't written by a 20th century American, they were written by a son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 2000 years before Christ. If the standard is above creation than it would make sense that it would 'work' through all time. If it really is the purpose of Mankind it would work through all time and cultures. And it does.

Differing contemporary beliefs of right and wrong:

1. The Conscience belief: 'We just know: what's right and what's wrong.' The Jimminy Cricket, Let your conscious be your guide, idea of right and wrong. People are happy with their own conscious being their guide but not when someone elses conscious tries to be their guide. This really is not a good criteria. For example, slave owners didn't have a single thought that they were wrong by owning slaves on their plantations 150 years ago. So if the purpose of a man is the purpose of all men then one man's conscience that deviates from his purpose and diminishes the purpose of others is wrong. (Examples: the Slenderman stabbing, The Beltway sniper attacks.)

2. The majority belief: 'What most people believe is right, makes it right.' In the 1700's and 1800's, what the majority of people believed, made life horrible for the minority. The thought here is of the slave trade with slave owners, farmers and slaves was not a society where all men were living their purpose. Today in Europe there is a big movement to persuade the people that Israel needs to be destroyed for their actions in the Gaza strip. If this movement can reach the majority then another holocaust will take place. There are news articles currently warning of such an event here in July 2014.

3. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone it's good or at least OK: How do we know what doesn't hurt people. 50 years ago doctors sold cigarettes as a health supplement. If the someone is holding another hostage, is it ok to kill the 'bad guy'? This idea that 'as long as it doesn't hurt anyone' can only be muttered by what we call a couch potato. Someone that has a life of work from 9 to 5, goes home to eat and watch t.v., enjoy the game on the weekends with tailgate parties and maybe a visit to the church to 'due their duty', just in case there might be a God, you wouldn't want to make him angry, but who really knows.
The greatest generation never had this problem because they saw right and wrong in fox holes of France and on the beaches at Okinawa.

4. What makes me happy is right. That's really back to letting your conscious be your guide.

5. God describes his purpose, as creator, for mankind. This in-turn defines what is right and wrong for people. It comes from an uncontaminated source who made everything with a purpose, even though it's given to us in a contaminated world. Some people call God's Word the Basic Instructions. Reminds me of the band, Burlap to Cashmere and their song, Basic Instructions Before Leave Earth.
(Remember that it was man that contaminated his universe by his decision to walk through the door God put as a sign of our agreement or disagreement with him in His perfect creation.)

Think about it.


July 29, 2014, 7:01 pm
My Thoughts
Question 4: How do we know anything?

We've been thinking hard about some topics, but now it's time to ask, how do we think? Why do we have thoughts and what makes some thoughts logical and others not? Descartes is famous for his quote 'I think therefore I am.' He actually stated 'I doubt, therefore I am.' It was his doubting that distanced him from all other essence and gave him an understanding that he was not that which didn't doubt. Like a cow or fawn, a dove or tiger, they just are and exist without doubt and thought.

Man certainly has thoughts unlike any other animal. Excessive thoughts, that can lead to depression or hatred. I've never seen a depressed sparrow, maybe a sad dog when it's owner is not there but they're not writing sad country songs, expressing thoughts, about it. How are those thoughts possible. Think of a camera, unless there is a memory card or film in it, it doesn't hold any of the images that go through it's lens. Well our senses are our lenses that allow things into us and it's our memory card that lets us hold onto those images and ideas and work them and mold them and build with them or doubt them.

Why is that? What is the human memory card?

Thoughts are certainly more than the physical in that thoughts can accumulate while the body hasn't added any new food or enzymes or fluids. Those thoughts or memories can accumulate for years, well beyond the seven years the medical specialists tell us it takes for all our cells to be replaced (imagine loosing all your memories every seven years). This statement is a bit in jest as biologists believe brain cells are never replaced, which is why disease like Alzheimer's is irreversible.

Our capacity to know something isn't even equivalent person to person. Some people have a very small capacity to think while others seem to be able to dive very deep into thought. Humorously, the majority of American's believe they are smarter than all the people around them.

But what is thought and how did it start?

Secular evolutionists believe it's just an advancement in the progression of evolution through natural selection. Thinkers are more apt to live than non thinkers so thinkers have ended up with a greater and greater capacity to think as they are the survivors of the fittest. But matter doesn't explain what thought is outside of a chemical process in the brain. But without the capacity to think we wouldn't be able to build societies and cultures where people can live together in harmony or as we see live together in strife.

I must inject that our thoughts are different that a birds ability to build a nest. I have been interested in birds since I was little. I've watched a lot of birds, I've even raised hundreds of parrots as companion birds. I love birds. BUT I'll tell you never once did I see a mom or dad bird teach the babies in the clutch how to build a nest. Their knowledge seems to be part of their hardware, like specialized motherboard with a bios that boots into existence, known all they need to know. When man boots up, he's like a computer that has an operating system but there is a lot of 'room' for other activities. He has access to RAM, to hold things in memory, He has access to a large hard drive where memories can be stored long term, he has a CPU that can put things together and work simultaneously on lots of activities: like breathing, chewing gum, working on a PowerPoint project, or painting nails while driving or I saw a guy shaving while driving the other day as well as think about a problem with a relationship of a brother or sister or mother or spouse. These interconnected activities and thoughts are not hardwired like an animal.

Creationists believe thought has been put into man from God. It's part of the image of God that stands out from the rest of the animal world. It is the one thing that allows us to have a relationship with God himself, as well as other people. But our purpose is to have that relationship with God and express our love to him. God is the all knowing knower of all things. He has the standard of knowledge, love, justice and it is only because there is such a grand capacity we can be sometimes knowers of some things. The bedrock of knowledge is not in observations of the random like a blind squirrel digging for gems in the yard of happenstance, it is the fact that the source of Knowledge wants it to be found in a capacity that reveals how big he is, making it almost inconceivable, yet within grasp to allow us to say I can know some things.

Old world creationists believe there was a time that God 'breathed into' the form of man, which had evolved to his current physical form, ant that put into him the distinction of knowledge, creativity, emotion, relationships, etc. Think of that as the time God inserted Man's memory card. Young world creationists believe it was in that week of creation.

I've been directed to a video of Ken Miller talking about evolution. Now, I don't want to disprove evolution but I would like to point out a couple of flaws in his perspective. (I will say my expertise is in worldview perspectives and as a mathematician. So my ground of doubts and fears always lies in the probability of occurrences and whether I, or any human, can really claim the claims, claimed.--sorry that sounds like a Weird Al song.)

I will comment on two things from the video. These are in depth and I'm not going to properly set them up here so I'm jumping right to my comments on the issue, please watch the video (I'll link to it in the near future).

Ken points out that there appears to be the fusion of two chromosomes in the human chromosome map compared to that of the chromosome map of the large apes. Gorilla's, Orangatanges and Chimpanzees all have 48 chromosomes, while humans have 46 chromosomes. With our current tools of observation there is evidence that humans have markers to show 2 of the chromosomes have been merged together, therefore instead of the 48 chromosomes of the apes, we now have evolved to only have 46. Ken states that he believes that God would not have created our chromosome map, in a way as to deceive us, meaning God wouldn't have gone to the trouble of creating the markers to make us think evolution occurred and these chromosomes only appear to have merged.

My current concern with Ken's the argument is:

1. The same arguments were used against Galileo. Galileo tried to prove to the world that our solar system was based on a heliocentric system and not a geocentric or a Tychonic system. The majority of human perspective at the time, in observing the solar system, was their naked eye. Galileo though had specialized tools to take the next step of observation that the authorities didn't really understand. In the same manner Ken is establishing his argument that from his observation, (which he believes has to be the pinnacle of understanding {by the way all scientists believe they are the pinnacle of understanding}) he can absolutely say, 'from My observation point at this time of history and skill, God would not deceive me in my understanding of things'. Similarly the oppontents of Galileo stated arguments just like Ken's current argument. Statements like: 'it is quite clear from our observation that the sun moves around the earth and not the other way around. God would not have created a system that would deceive us and our plain observation of his creation.' (I think it's funny that now the scientist is on the on side of the 'authorities' that are blind to their blindness.)

Really Ken, If you could accept the fact that your observation may not be the pinnacle of understanding and you're limited tools of observation, which are not much greater really than the naked eye to the people of Galileo's day, you might not be so willing to send the thinker to jail just because they might not believe 'God wouldn't appear to lie'. (Just you wait and see what technological advancements will produce in biological engineering in 200 years. It will be like going from the naked eye to the Hubble telescope.) I believe it's only because of our weak observational tools that we might misinterpret what we see, just as readily as the authorities did in Galileo's day and I believe Ken may be doing today.

2. It's pretty clear that there appears to be a merging of chromosomes in the human body. The markers of the ends and the items in the middle do appear like something has merged and the end markers are in the middle with middle markers surrounding them? Hmmm, I will admit I have no logical explanation, but neither will I stand fast and say my observation of the thing is the pinnacle of understanding. I will say from Man's current observation of microbiology I don't know why it looks deceiving. I can also say, it really does look like the sun moves across the sky. (By the way the Biblical passages that use this human perspective of the sun moving across the sky don't nullify the Bible, the writers are writing from Earth's perspective because they wrote it on earth. I'm sure you and I have used the term sunset or sunrise and yet that doesn't mean we are geocentrists and everything we know about our solar system is wrong. No, it means we are talking as people from our perspective as inhabitants of earth.)

The point I really want to make though is that we can observer chromosome merges and yes, this does happen, but what is the result. The result of our observable chromosome merges are disease, decay and problems. This is exactly how certain diseases are identified. Real life isn't Hollywood and the people with merged chromosomes don't have super powers, unfortunately they have disabilities, like Down syndrome. 'Researchers have identified more than 4,000 diseases that are caused by mutations. But having a genetic mutation that may cause a disease or condition doesn't always mean that a person will actually develop that disease or condition.'

Summary, our observation of what looks 'natural', might not be the best perspective to really describe what's going on when things look apparently to behave a way, we can understand. Therefore, based on what we do know, that chromosome merges cause diseases, maybe were not looking at this chromosome merging thing in the right perspective when considering apes and humans.

Think about it.


July 28, 2014, 7:31 pm
My Thoughts
Question 3: What is Man?

I've discussed matter, it's origins and why we experience it the way we do, but there is a very important construction of matter that forms a human being. To understand your worldview you need to ask yourself what really is a person, or human being? Is it the $12 of 7 octillion atoms that make up an adult body or is the sum of the items greater than the atoms individually?

We can all agree that a person cannot be replaced in the same way we can get a new home window or a car tire. When we loose a loved one to death, we know that nothing will replace them. We may want to drown our sorrows to help us numb the pain or to help us forget what happened. But nothing can replace the love of a mother or father or a spouse or child, and there is no consoling a grieving loved one at the funeral with the fact that the sum of their matter really was only worth about $12 anyway. That is because the construction of the atoms is more than matter, there is a personality, a sense of humor and a flare that cannot add up to dollars or cents.

There are a couple of subcategories of this question that help us understand how we would answer.

1. The first is, do you believe that a person is more than the sum of their physical body. If not than like Karl Vogt who stated, “The brain secretes thought as the stomach secretes gastric juice, the liver bile, and the kidneys urine.”, then you are willing reject the whole spirit of a person.

This school of thought does not believe in a soul and is more prepared to understand that a person is just the sum of their parts and not a container of something more. They are more willing to accept evolution at face value. They may call a human being a hairless ape, or revel in the fact that man is 'just another' animal. They may even consider the abortion of a human less tragic than the destruction of the egg of a bald eagle because a human is not on the endangered species list. They don't have to wonder if there is an evolution of the soul or how a soul enters into the whole matter equation anyway.

Signs of this thought can be glimpsed in 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. He wrote it this way to make fun of the character Scrooge and show how cold and calculated he was. Today we miss the 'jab' and take it as 'yeah, that makes sense.' Towards the beginning of the movie Scrooge states that seeing the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley 'may just be a bit of undigested beef.' and not really a visit of a soul of a formerly biological human.
It is important to emphasize that in this school of through Man really isn't considered much greater than any other animal if at all.

More Western cultures hold to this first view fairly strictly. There was a curious interest in eastern thought when the Beatles made Buddhism popular in the 70's and again a just a few years ago when New Age brought a belief of angles to the masses. But those were really in-grafts of eastern cultures. Eastern cultures are more willing to accept an open worldview where the spirit world is always interacting with the physical and souls migrate from one existence to the next. Eastern culture is call an open universe, the physical and spirit interact. The west is called a closed universe and the physical has no interaction with a spirit world, if there even is a spirit world.

2. The second school of thought believes that a person is more than the sum of the parts of their physical body. All people in this school of thought believe that a person is a body and a soul. This allows for the component that can explains how a person can be elated and joyous one moment and then within an hour, or minutes, be completely in the depths of despair when nothing but a couple thoughts, or a dream, have crossed their minds. No other external events, just thoughts. Such a thought, for example, can be Love. It can be a dream. How can you explain most of the emotions; love or hate or guilt or happiness or grief or pride or fear, unless there is a variable in addition to the physical? Most in this school believe that Man is created differently than all the other animals. Some students of the school of thought hold that Man stands above other animals in their intelligence, their creativity, their skill and technological advancements. Some students of the school hold that the soul migrates from one physical body to another via reincarnation. Christians hold this view: that Man is unique, due to the fact that they are created in God's image and have been given dominion over all the earth to care for it and maintain it like a gardener that cares for fruit trees, vegetables and their flowers like member in the Hudson Garden Club.

I could guess what school of thought you are in if I knew where you were born. My pleading to you would be; question how you know what you know and can you prove to others how reliable your sources are? Or have those sources taken the data and manipulated it for political or financial reasons? The human institution of the church has received a bad rap for distorting truth for gain, and rightfully so in the medieval period and even today with tele-evangelists, but today I think some blame can be put on the Green crowd that pushes saving the planet and throws guilt like holy water on people, forcing them to go without and paying more for less quality, all in the name of saving the planet, while the leaders of the movement have more and use more. An example might be Al Gore who created the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' complaining that consumerism is destroying the world and yet he owns multiple houses, airplanes and cars and puts little effort into conservation in his lifestyle. Even the images in the movie were computer generated to make things look worse than reality.

Do not become the skeptic that 'believes nothing' because no one can believe nothing. You must believe, 'the God that created me doesn't love me and therefore leaves no manner of restoration to him.' or 'that God doesn't care or interact or can't interact' or 'as a humanist, you believe random chance and 'natural' selection produced something undesigned with cause and effect locking you into a hopeless predetermined life without deviation of previous causes. (Like a ball bowled in cricket, once it leaves the hand of the bowler it's trajectory isn't going to change.) Also consider then what is 'natural' and who sets the standard of natural?

Summary of differences:
1. Man is just another animal.
1a. Man is just another animal a bit more advanced on the evolutionary scale.
2. Man is a special creature that stands above all others because God created Him in His own image with creativity, relationships, intelligence.

1. Man is only a physical body.
2. Man is the combination of the physical and a spirit.

I sure wish there was an easy way to crystallize a worldview but there isn't. It takes holding on to the same thought for several days to really understand who you are, where you are, what you are doing and where you are going. You might not read these long posts every year but please read them once every few years, teach them to others because I find just asking the 7 worldview questions to people is a great way to introduce them to the gaps and holes in the own worldview and the loving kindness and truth to the Biblical worldview.

It's important to think of one more thing in this question and that's, 'why is man so grieved in life?':

1. Man faces grief, pain, suffering, death because evolution hasn't produced perfection yet. But man is improving, the ancients were primitive but somewhere our ancestors will get there. There is no hope for me though, living before the time this is achievable.

2. For Man, God says Man was created perfect, in a garden, as a couple. Man chose to walk away from God, I called this the door he left for us to show our devotion, which introduced corruption and death. Death was introduced so that we don't need to live in this state forever. (Some choose to stay in this corrupted state as they resist God.)

2a. Man is decaying in his thinking and physical ability. 4000 years ago Men could build pyramids and amazing things with very little technology. We have decayed enough now that even with amazing technology we are amazed at previous accomplishments that we would consider impossible.

DETAIL: It's understood that in that first couple there was the lineage of all mankind. Their DNA was the most complex holding all skin colors, eye colors, hair colors, intellects, abilities in creative thinking, and from their offspring the DNA or gene strands started to distill into distinct looks and feels. BUT before even the next generation was produced they walked through the Door talked about yesterday. The door that God left available for Man to show his choice in obedience or disobedience to his creator. When that happened Man fell from his relationship to God and was isolated on earth in a way the leaves him lonely, some call it a hole in the heart that can only be filled by God. At this point death was allowed so that man would not have to live in a contaminated universe forever. Scripture says better is the day of death than the day of birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1

In the end when justice is meted out a person will either be destroyed (the term used in the original language meaning that they can no longer perform their purpose so life becomes futile. Think of a aluminum Coke can crushed with holes and dents never to hold Coke again. That's the meaning of destroyed in Hebrew.) or be restored to accomplish their purpose which means they will be able to follow the 10 commandments without deviation or rebellion. (Not that they won't be able to rebel, but they will choose not to rebel.)

All world views must point to a single couple of humans, traced back to the not so distant future, why, well because if you look at the averages of births per couple on the earth, things haven't changed much and if you extrapolate the population or look backwards in time, it shows when the population growth started. And all worldviews must explain the existence of just a few persons at the beginning of modern times. Evolutionists will just say, it just happened that way, it was just a big global event that killed everyone off, leaving a very few people from which everyone we now have can be traced back.


July 28, 2014, 10:20 am
My Thoughts

Dear God,

Please remove the demons of lust from my mind and my boys minds, and do so for all my brothers. May each of us be found to dwell on your magnificence, that is sometimes to great to understand. Please, make yourself tangible and real, before our eyes that we would not be distracted by the world, our flesh and satan’s schemes.

Do this Lord for us that we would lift up your name in our hearts today and then externally too, but first in our hearts and thoughts. Redeem and build us from within.



January 15, 2014, 10:53 am
My Thoughts
It was my desire to outline my theology by creating 365 entries in this blog for my children to read daily. I've learned that 365 entries is a lot of writing, therefore if I don't happen to finish this goal in my lifetime let me suggest that you get Oswald Chambers, 'My Utmost For His Highest', and read it daily. It is my favorite devotional. It is deep and profound, sometimes so deep you won't understand it until you are older. I really didn't see the multidimensional aspects of certain entries until I had walked this earth 40 years and more.

The other item I would leave you as an important core of my theological understanding is the apostles creed:

I believe in God the Father, Almighty,
make of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord.

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
and suffered under Pontious Pilot,
was crucified dead and buried,
(he descended into hell).

On the third day he rose again,
he ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almight,
from thence He will come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost,
the Holy catholic Church,
the communion of the Saints,
the forgiveness of sin,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.



March 27, 2014, 11:05 am
My Thoughts
1 Corinthians 6:19
New International Version (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Colossians 3:5
New International Version (NIV)
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Hebrews 13:4
New International Version (NIV)
4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

God intends that you will have one marriage bed in the history of your life. For example: just like we could sit down and see every day President Abraham Lincoln lived we would be able to see that from day one to his last there was only one place with one person he had sex. It didn’t matter if he was young and unmarried for he knew that one day he would have the joys of that intimate expression and he preserved himself to keep the marriage bed pure. Then while he was married he withheld adulterous affairs that would have defiled the marriage bed, within marriage. So within marriage and outside or before marriage everyone has a job to do in keeping their marriage bed pure.
This is contradictory to our culture. Television, Movies, Books, Songs that are popular talk about defiling the marriage bed by having sex without a marriage commitment, and beyond that they never show the consequences of a defiled marriage bed. The result is a defiled and broken culture. The strong building blocks of a culture and country start with strong families made up of a Father, Mother and children. When that family structure starts to crumble, the country will fall.
What does that mean, it means committing now, as a teenager, to saying no when an opportunity arises to have sex. It means committing now to not looking at naked women, or anything pornographic on the internet or magazines or cable tv or anywhere. It means committing now to not masturbating to have an orgasm outside of marriage.

Why do this? For the Lord, to honor Him and His words. It’s not to be done as a commitment to your spouse, although they will certainly benefit from it, it is to be done only unto the Lord. When your spouse does something that violates the marriage commitment that is no reason for you to change your commitment to the Lord in your marriage. It doesn’t matter what your spouse does, it only matters that you love God by honoring your marriage.
So what do you do as a teen. When you go out, go out in groups of 4 or 5 or more. Invite all your friends to church functions, and school functions so that it’s not awkward. Such functions have lots of teens anyway and it is much better than inviting a few people to Panara Bread for lunch or dinner and having only one show up, leaving you are in a situation with no other teens except the one.
Pray for your future spouse. As a teen it is safe to say your spouse, if you are to marry, is alive and going through similar life situations as you. You may know them or probably not, but you can still pray for them.
Learn how to be a good man or woman so that you can fulfill your role as husband or wife. Do a Bible study on the character and work of a good man. A man qualified to be a deacon or elder in a church even. Do a Bible study on the character and work of a good woman.
“Some people wait till it rains to prepare their fields, but others prepare their fields in faith that God will send the rain when the fields are ready.” Prepare yourself for the time you are married and you will be satisfied in your marriage.

March 27, 2014, 11:04 am
My Thoughts
1 Corinthians 6:19
New International Version (NIV)
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Colossians 3:5
New International Version (NIV)
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.

Hebrews 13:4
New International Version (NIV)
4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

God intends that you will have one marriage bed in the history of your life. For example: just like we could sit down and see every day President Abraham Lincoln lived we would be able to see that from day one to his last there was only one place with one person he had sex. It didn’t matter if he was young and unmarried for he knew that one day he would have the joys of that intimate expression and he preserved himself to keep the marriage bed pure. Then while he was married he withheld adulterous affairs that would have defiled the marriage bed, within marriage. So within marriage and outside or before marriage everyone has a job to do in keeping their marriage bed pure.
This is contradictory to our culture. Television, Movies, Books, Songs that are popular talk about defiling the marriage bed by having sex without a marriage commitment, and beyond that they never show the consequences of a defiled marriage bed. The result is a defiled and broken culture. The strong building blocks of a culture and country start with strong families made up of a Father, Mother and children. When that family structure starts to crumble, the country will fall.
What does that mean, it means committing now, as a teenager, to saying no when an opportunity arises to have sex. It means committing now to not looking at naked women, or anything pornographic on the internet or magazines or cable tv or anywhere. It means committing now to not masturbating to have an orgasm outside of marriage.

Why do this? For the Lord, to honor Him and His words. It’s not to be done as a commitment to your spouse, although they will certainly benefit from it, it is to be done only unto the Lord. When your spouse does something that violates the marriage commitment that is no reason for you to change your commitment to the Lord in your marriage. It doesn’t matter what your spouse does, it only matters that you love God by honoring your marriage.
So what do you do as a teen. When you go out, go out in groups of 4 or 5 or more. Invite all your friends to church functions, and school functions so that it’s not awkward. Such functions have lots of teens anyway and it is much better than inviting a few people to Panara Bread for lunch or dinner and having only one show up, leaving you are in a situation with no other teens except the one.
Pray for your future spouse. As a teen it is safe to say your spouse, if you are to marry, is alive and going through similar life situations as you. You may know them or probably not, but you can still pray for them.
Learn how to be a good man or woman so that you can fulfill your role as husband or wife. Do a Bible study on the character and work of a good man. A man qualified to be a deacon or elder in a church even. Do a Bible study on the character and work of a good woman.
“Some people wait till it rains to prepare their fields, but other prepare their fields in faith that God will send the rain when the fields are read.” Prepare yourself for the time you are married and you will be satisfied in your marriage.

January 15, 2014, 10:39 am
My Thoughts
The day that is set aside for prayer in the United States of America is no doubt an honorable procedure. It is rooted in the light of our founding fathers who lived in the Biblical Worldview unmatched in our imaginations today. Even the representative of this group that history has unfairly labeled the deist requested,

“I therefore beg leave to move -- that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Franklin has much more to say from scripture beyond this pleading to incorporate prayer into the everyday practice of the United States government. There is no doubt that his imploring of the assistance of Heaven meant beseeching the God of the Bible. This is the same God who is involved in history even to the point of sending His son to change the destiny of mankind.

Today our worldview is not as unified. Unfortunately, members of one denomination can be less in agreement than the cross section of our founding fathers. So when the United States of America has a day of prayer, to whom do we pray? Who will answer?

From God’s perspective, if he were to act as only his strong arm is able, what group will see the miraculous as a result of their prayers unto their god? If prayers to all deities are offered to divert an impending hurricane disaster, for example, and the hurricane unexpectedly makes a 90 degree turn, what deity is to receive the honor for the intervention?

Elijah obviously had a similar problem in his day and was called upon by the LORD God to make it precisely clear as to who is the almighty God. 1 Kings 18 recites the events where Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to call on their god to accept an offering. After a day of prayer where nothing happened, yet these prophets were offering honest pleadings, they were devout worshipers even to the point of cutting themselves so that their blood flowed. (You’ve heard how the importance of faith is its purity and authenticity, that’s just poppycock. The importance of faith is in the object of the faith.)

Then Elijah prayed to the LORD God almighty. It was unmistakable when God acted to whom credit was due, for everyone fell on their face to worship the one true God. We need a day of prayer to the LORD God almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to be unmistakable. When there is clarity as to whom the object of the prayers are offered then God will act in his might and he will receive the honor.

I believe we need to proclaim a day of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ that the world may know to whom all honor, glory and praise rightfully belong.


April 7, 2014, 9:22 am
My Thoughts
Salvation and Significance, it's not about you.

As people, we cry out from our struggles and have an emotional response to our circumstances that leave us feeling close to God or further away. I want you to realize your salvation in Christ, through his sacrifice of blood shed on the cross, cuts through your emotions and circumstances and sets you free. You might want to say 'but you don't know what i've been through and what I'm faced with right now.' He says, it's not about you, it's been dealt with by my son on the cross of Calvary. You may try to keep going back in the conversation in your mind and say but I'm so depressed and anxious that I can't even feel God. He says, it's not about your feelings, it's been dealt with by my son on the cross at Golgotha. You may be so sick and moving close to him in death and not really even up to even thinking about him and you feel bad for not feeling better about Him. He says, it's not about your health, physically or psychologically, it's been dealt with by my son on the cross.

Let God cut through all of your thoughts and hang-ups today and just rest, knowing that he has paid the price to reconcile you to himself through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. And praise him with your lips that he knows you have and will exalted him while you live on this earth. Romans 10:9 states: Confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.

April 2, 2014, 8:21 am
My Thoughts

For so many years I have bowed my knee to an idol that my sinful reaction, even today, causes me to bow to that idol as it passes by. Just like a bystander at the side of a parade with a compulsion to see what's passing and then responding to it, I have compulsions to stretch myself to see the spectacle and genuflect to the idol in emotional responses. I pray, Lord, you would give me a new perspective on this idol and break the reflexes of my flesh that I might overcome what I've become.

Do not let your habits or past responses set you up for failure today. Become resolute, unlike the world, and bow your knee only to the one true God, Yahweh.

God give my children strength to stand against the cultural norms that are not in accord with your will and law. I know they are forgiven in grace and mercy and stand daily in that same mercy, but those who love you obey your commands. Give them power to show that love today.


March 27, 2014, 9:40 am
My Thoughts
Genesis 8:22

22 “As long as the earth continues,
planting and harvest,
cold and hot,
summer and winter,
day and night
will not stop.”

There is a comfort in having God’s promise that the seasons in the yearly cycle as well as the daily cycle will not end as long as the Earth exists.

2014 – March 24 the low temperature is 10 degrees and the high is 25 in Northern Ohio. It’s very cold and depressing, but with the promise of Genesis 8:22, I know it will end and summer will come.

March 27, 2014, 9:39 am
My Thoughts
The world cries for co-existence but what they get is chaos existence. There’s only one way to peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the more he is removed from our culture or our hearts, the more we slip in to chaos.

If the jail is left to the prisoners to run, injustice reigns. We need to have a just person in control to provide love and care for each and every individual. The only just person qualified is Jesus. If you really love everyone on this earth you will help put Jesus in his rightful place in your heart and in the world, as the one and only one in control. (That’s what missionaries do.)

March 27, 2014, 9:39 am
My Thoughts
Thank you for the gift of salvation as it was given through Jesus Christ your son. As a human standing on this earth, this day, I acknowledge that I am in need of a savior and I celebrate your gift with joy and humility.
I pray that the children of our church would not wear Jesus like a fashion. That they wouldn’t peer into a room and see a Bible study and think, ‘Oh, I’d rather not be with them right now. I want to be where the action is.’ For Jesus is not a fashion like bell-bottom jeans, wide ties or long side-burns. He is essential to life like a heart, lungs, stomach, eyes, and ears. Be essential to our kids.

March 27, 2014, 9:38 am
My Thoughts
Even in the dark, gloomy crevasse of time in our walk on this earth, choose to Praise the Name of the Lord. For love is a choice, not a feeling.

Have you ever thought about communication? We use a convention of individual words that are supposed to hold an absolute definition but the definition of many phrases of those words can express something other than who it is defined. Examples include: ‘Cool’, ‘blows my mind’ etc. There are so many of these phrases that are culturally dependent that meanings are lost when they are used in conversations where the participants are from different cultures (including different states), different backgrounds, etc. Most of the meanings can be understood from a process of understanding the culture from which the speaker comes yet it takes some assumption on the listeners behalf. This is why legal papers are so redundant and boring. They have to outline things very carefully in every aspect of the phrases being used. Can you imaging talking in a ‘legal’ way in communication with your friends or your spouse. It would certainly keep things clear and accurate but it would end up being a relationship no one would want. (Have you ever used the phrase, ‘get to the point already’ in a conversation?)

How did God communicate with mankind? Did He leave ambiguity in his message? Does He still speak or do we have only rumors of His communication?

March 24, 2014, 12:42 pm
My Thoughts
Genesis 8:22

22 “As long as the earth continues,
planting and harvest,
cold and hot,
summer and winter,
day and night
will not stop.”

There is a comfort in having God's promise that the seasons in the yearly cycle as well as the daily cycle will not end as long as the Earth exists.

2014 - March 24 the low temperature is 10 degrees and the high is 25 in Northern Ohio. It's very cold and depressing, but with the promise of Genesis 8:22, I know it will end and summer will come.

March 24, 2014, 12:42 pm
My Thoughts
Genesis 8:22

22 “As long as the earth continues,
planting and harvest,
cold and hot,
summer and winter,
day and night
will not stop.”

There is a comfort in having God's promise that the seasons in the yearly cycle as well as the daily cycle will not end as long as the Earth exists.

2014 - March 24 the low temperature is 10 degrees and the high is 25 in Northern Ohio. It's very cold and depressing, but with the promise of Genesis 8:22, I know it will end and summer will come.

March 24, 2014, 12:37 pm
My Thoughts
Genesis 8:22

22 “As long as the earth continues,
planting and harvest,
cold and hot,
summer and winter,
day and night
will not stop.”

There is a comfort in having God's promise that the seasons in the yearly cycle as well as the daily cycle will not end as long as the Earth exists.

2014 - March 24 the low temperature is 10 degrees and the high is 25 in Northern Ohio. It's very cold and depressing, but with the promise of Genesis 8:22, I know it will end and summer will come.

March 25, 2014, 8:26 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


February 26, 2014, 11:02 am
My Thoughts
Like the tell-tails on the sails of a sailboat so are the actions in your life. As a sailor, you know that when the tell-tail ribbon starts streaming the wrong way, you need to make adjustments to configure yourself with the wind and your direction. So it is with actions in your life. There are tell-tails indicating alignment with God and your direction. Practical tell-tail signs can be your check-book, Are you spending money on yourself or do you have a healthy form of tithing and donating your goods? Are you spending time on yourself or have a healthy form of volunteering at church or in a Biblical manner (spending time with family 'for if anyone doesn't care for his family he is worse than a sinner.', spending time helping the broken, forgotten and discarded)? Are you praying for others more than for yourself?

Take note of the tell-tales in your life and you may need to make adjustments. The result is a much more satisfying and productive life in Christ.


February 11, 2014, 1:15 pm
My Thoughts
Philippians 3: not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

Luther in the reformation emphasized salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, through His Word alone. I think this is important in that it whittles away all the unnecessary objects that man can add to salvation, when God has made it so simple and accessible. If you've not considered these things before please search the Bible for the clues of how all humans are forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Nothing can be added to make us more presentable, for that would be to make Christ lesser, and nothing can be taken away from Christ for it is only by him, and his name by which we may be saved.

For those of you that have understood the wonder of God's forgiveness in Christ, placing you in the family of God, I want to encourage you but reminding you that just as salvation is through faith alone, so also is your perseverance in Christ. You will not persevere based on your past performance or based on your mental resolved, no. You will be able to wake up tomorrow knowing you still reside in the family of God because of God's love to you. His mercies are new every morning and you can persevere another day by him alone. Have faith that he will erase all the sins of your life. The ones in the past, the ones today and the ones yet in your future. Your faith is in Him and in Him is your perseverance.


February 11, 2014, 1:15 pm
My Thoughts
Philippians 3: not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

Luther in the reformation emphasized salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, through His Word alone. I think this is important in that it whittles away all the unnecessary objects that man can add to salvation, when God has made it so simple and accessible. If you've not considered these things before please search the Bible for the clues of how all humans are forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Nothing can be added to make us more presentable, for that would be to make Christ lesser, and nothing can be taken away from Christ for it is only by him, and his name by which we may be saved.

For those of you that have understood the wonder of God's forgiveness in Christ, placing you in the family of God, I want to encourage you but reminding you that just as salvation is through faith alone, so also is your perseverance in Christ. You will not persevere based on your past performance or based on your mental resolved, no. You will be able to wake up tomorrow knowing you still reside in the family of God because of God's love to you. His mercies are new every morning and you can persevere another day by him alone. Have faith that he will erase all the sins of your life. The ones in the past, the ones today and the ones yet in your future. Your faith is in Him and in Him is your perseverence.


February 11, 2014, 1:06 pm
My Thoughts
Philippians 3: not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

Luther in the reformation emphasized salvation is by faith alone, in Christ alone, through His Word alone. I think this is important in that it whittles away all the unnecessary objects that man can add to salvation, when God has made it so simple and accessible. If you've not considered these things before please search the Bible for the clues of how all humans are forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Nothing can be added to make us more presentable, for that would be to make Christ lesser, and nothing can be taken away from Christ for it is only by him, and his name by which we may be saved.

For those of you that have understood the wonder of God's forgiveness in Christ, placing you in the family of God, I want to encourage you but reminding you that just as salvation is through faith alone, so also is your perseverance in Christ. You will not persevere based on your past performance or based on your mental resolve, no. You will be able to wake up tomorrow knowing you still reside in the family of God because of God's love to you. His mercies are new every morning and you can persevere another day by him alone. Have faith that he will erase all the sins of your life. The ones in the past, the ones today and the ones yet in your future. Your faith is in Him and in Him is your perseverence.


January 15, 2014, 10:42 am
My Thoughts
The day that is set aside for prayer in the United States of America is no doubt an honorable procedure. It is rooted in the light of our founding fathers who lived in the Biblical Worldview unmatched in our imaginations today. Even the representative of this group that history has unfairly labeled the deist requested,

“I therefore beg leave to move -- that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Franklin has much more to say from scripture beyond this pleading to incorporate prayer into the everyday practice of the United States government. There is no doubt that his imploring of the assistance of Heaven meant beseeching the God of the Bible. This is the same God who is involved in history even to the point of sending His son to change the destiny of mankind.

Today our worldview is not as unified. Unfortunately, members of one denomination can be less in agreement than the cross section of our founding fathers. So when the United States of America has a day of prayer, to whom do we pray? Who will answer?

From God’s perspective, if he were to act as only his strong arm is able, what group will see the miraculous as a result of their prayers unto their god? If prayers to idols are offered to divert an impending hurricane disaster, for example, and the hurricane unexpectedly makes a 90 degree turn, what idol is to receive the honor for the intervention?

Elijah obviously had a similar problem in his day and was called upon by the LORD God to make it precisely clear as to who is the almighty God. 1 Kings 18 recites the events where Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to call on their god to accept an offering. After a day of prayer where nothing happened, yet these prophets were offering honest pleadings, they were devout worshipers even to the point of cutting themselves so that their blood flowed. (You’ve heard how the importance of faith is its purity and authenticity, that’s just poppycock. The importance of faith is in the object of the faith.)

Then Elijah prayed to the LORD God almighty. It was unmistakable when God acted to whom credit was due, for everyone fell on their face to worship the one true God. We need a day of prayer to the LORD God almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to be unmistakable. When there is clarity as to whom the object of the prayers are offered then God will act in his might and he will receive the honor.

I believe we need to proclaim a day of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ that the world may know to whom all honor, glory and praise rightfully belong.


January 29, 2014, 9:20 am
My Thoughts
In the Broadway play 'Wicked' there is a song called 'Thanks Goodness'. It's the time of the play where the characters realize their dreams and expectations of life aren't going to play out like they planned. Life can't be lived out in a simply happy way. Glinda sings:

That's why I couldn't be happier
No, I couldn't be happier
Though it is, I admit
The tiniest bit
Unlike I anticipated
But I couldn't be happier
Simply couldn't be happier
(spoken) Well - not 'simply':
(sung) 'Cause getting your dreams
It's strange, but it seems
A little - well - complicated
There's a kind of a sort of a cost
There's a couple of things get: lost
There are bridges you cross
You didn't know you crossed
Until you've crossed
And if that joy, that thrill
Doesn't thrill you like you think it will

The problem with Glinda is that she has been pretending that her dreams are coming true when, in fact, just the opposite is happening. At this point she's realizing that just because she wants something to happen doesn't make it so.

Are you happy in your life? Have you been pretending that your dreams are coming true or are you to opposite, living a life of depression because your life is the farthest thing from having your dreams come true? Either way I plead of you not to allow your circumstances in this life form your happiness. Let your happiness swell from the joy in your heart knowing that you are eternally forgiven, not because of your good deeds or your good looks, but because Jesus took it upon himself to pay for our reconciliation to God. Put your trust in Christ and you will not be disappointed eternally. All the other thrills and happy times will end with you realizing they don't thrill you like you think they will. Anyone else will be disappointed when they die and their happiness ends when they are laid to rest on this earth, but those who put their trust in Jesus will find their joy will never end.


January 16, 2014, 9:55 am
My Thoughts
As a kid I remember one line in the movie, 'The Wizard of Oz', as a statement I couldn't quite understand. The line is spoken by Elphaba, the wicked witch of the west, towards the end of the movie. I laughed at it when I watched it but it made me wonder. The line is 'Wicked Witch of the West: You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness? Oooooh, look out! I'm going! Oooooh! Ooooooh! ', as quoted here: LINK .

The idea of beautiful wickeness was a strange thought. Yet, it was like a seed that has grown in our culture and produced a return of 30%, 60% and sometimes 100%. Now we see wickedness paraded like it is something to be celebrated. Wickedness has been made to look beautiful and everyone is supposed to tolerate it. (My city of Cleveland will be proudly hosting the Gay Games in the summer of 2014.)

I think the main problem is that we've lost the understanding of wickedness. This is evident in the Broadway show 'Wicked'. I would highly suggest you go see it as it plays with confusion of what is good and what is wicked. The story is about the good witch, Glinda, always doing mean and selfish things and the bad witch, Elphaba, convicted with concerned for others and community. Ephaba even says if your definition of goodness is so corrupt than I don't every want to do a good deed again. My paraphrasing. (Also in the last song, 'For Good', 'good' < > 'better')

We've lost what is right and what is wrong in our culture. As believers in Christ, living in this world, this creation, please, please never loose site that God has established right and wrong, not people. He knows the best way we humans are to live a productive, joyful, happy life. He tells us in his Word, the Holy Bible, not because he's mean and authoritative but because he really want's us to be at peace, joyful, happy. Imagine a city with no murder (thou shalt not murder). Imagine that same city has no theft (thou shalt not steal). We could get rid of all keys, vaults, passwords, and save billions of dollars that are now spent on security and put it towards feeding the poor. I've outlined the rest of this idea of 'fleshing out' the 10 commandments in other posts, but please do not loose site of it and as believes take hold of His plan and change your world.


January 15, 2014, 10:46 am
My Thoughts
The day that is set aside for prayer in the United States of America every May is no doubt an honorable procedure. It is rooted in the light of our founding fathers who lived in the Biblical Worldview unmatched in our imaginations today. Even the representative of this group that history has unfairly labeled the deist requested,

“I therefore beg leave to move -- that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that service.” -- Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Franklin has much more to say from scripture beyond this pleading to incorporate prayer into the everyday practice of the United States government. There is no doubt that his imploring of the assistance of Heaven meant beseeching the God of the Bible. This is the same God who is involved in history even to the point of sending His son to change the destiny of mankind.

Today our worldview is not as unified. Unfortunately, members of one denomination can be less in agreement than the cross section of our founding fathers. So when the United States of America has a day of prayer, to whom do we pray? Who will answer?

From God’s perspective, if he were to act as only his strong arm is able, what group will see the miraculous as a result of their prayers unto their god? If prayers to all deities are offered to divert an impending hurricane disaster, for example, and the hurricane unexpectedly makes a 90 degree turn, what deity is to receive the honor for the intervention?

Elijah obviously had a similar problem in his day and was called upon by the LORD God to make it precisely clear as to who is the almighty God. 1 Kings 18 recites the events where Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to call on their god to accept an offering. After a day of prayer where nothing happened, yet these prophets were offering honest pleadings, they were devout worshipers even to the point of cutting themselves so that their blood flowed. (You’ve heard how the importance of faith is its purity and authenticity, that’s just poppycock. The importance of faith is in the object of the faith.)

Then Elijah prayed to the LORD God almighty. It was unmistakable when God acted to whom credit was due, for everyone fell on their face to worship the one true God. We need a day of prayer to the LORD God almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to be unmistakable. When there is clarity as to whom the object of the prayers are offered then God will act in his might and he will receive the honor.

I believe we need to proclaim a day of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ that the world may know to whom all honor, glory and praise rightfully belong.

John Wallen

January 15, 2014, 10:52 am
My Thoughts
It was my desire to outline my theology by creating 365 entries in this blog for my children to read daily. I've learned that 365 entries is a lot of writing, therefore if I don't happen to finish this goal in my lifetime let me suggest that you get Oswald Chambers, 'My Utmost For His Highest', and read it daily. It is my favorite devotional. It is deep and profound, sometimes so deep you won't understand it until you are older. I really didn't see the multidimensional aspects of certain entries until I had walked this earth 40 years and more.

The other item I would leave you as an important core of my theological understanding is the apostles creed:

I believe in God the Father, Almighty,
make of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord.

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
and suffered under Pontious Pilot,
was crucified dead and buried,
(he descended into hell).

On the third day he rose again,
he ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almight,
from thence He will come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost,
the Holy catholic Church,
the communion of the Saints,
the forgiveness of sin,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.



January 15, 2014, 10:58 am
My Thoughts
Life is hard, but don't fret over the gifts you can't change and strive to work as unto the Lord in everything you do. You will be satisfied in the end.


August 15, 2014, 10:15 am
My Thoughts
There is a new, supposedly popular, activity among atheists. Like a church congregation they are starting to join together in a gathering service to fellowship in a manner like a church but without God. LINK

There is a quote in this article, 'I want to get away from this idea that you have to have God to be good. You don’t.'

But people don't understand that to be good means to have purpose. Can we say an astroid or a star is good or bad? No they just are. How about a tiger or a spider? Can we say they are good and bad for hunting or by what they eat? No, they are just doing that for which they are created. How can we say whether a human is good or bad if there is no purpose for which it's created.

Nietzsche described it as erasing the horizon from the sky. Without God there is no delineation of right or wrong, there just is. LINK

We can know if someone is a good golfer, like Rory McIlroy, because they play in the rule of the purpose of the game of golf, or the golf horizon. We can know if a person is a good programmer of computers because they work within the code of computers, writing code that works or not and on top of that writing in a good or bad way, or the programming horizon.

There is no way to define what a good person is, without purpose, they just are.

Except of course there is a standard above humanity and all life that has a purpose for everything. Without God there is no purpose, no horizon and things cannot be judged as good or bad.

If something can't meet the purpose for which it's created, it's described as destroyed. Like a Coke can that has been crushed and it's creases have holes. Such a can, can never again hold Coke as it was intended. It has been destroyed.

This is a deep thought and most people can't comprehend because they stop and say, 'but I have a choice to do what I do.' In a cause-effect universe, where your parents had sex and produced a baby on a continent you didn't choose, in a genealogy they didn't choose, in a time or zeitgeist you didn't choose, you have as much choice as an asteroid in our solar system, which was produced by a mother and father planetary explosion in a solar system it didn't choose, in an orbit it didn't choose, etc.

The appearance of choice makes it hard to understand a closed system that removes all real choice, and this is where atheists should struggle with their worldview, because if they do have choice then their worldview isn't 'sound' and needs reconsideration.

Think about it.


August 14, 2014, 8:05 am
My Thoughts
Have you wondered why God hasn't been more material in his specific revelation? Why didn't he fashion something that could be put on a shelf that points specifically to Him?

I mean sure he sent his son as a living human but why didn't he produce something that was tangible through all time that would be a significant item of evidence? Like the Archenstone of The Hobbit.

There are several reasons for this lacking material special revelation. First, since there is no piece of earth or precious metal that specifically points to God, man cannot take advantage of such an item. If there was such a thing, can you imagine the way people would charge admission to view it or visit it. It would quickly deteriorate into a carnival atmosphere that is most unholy and un-majestic. (This is also why there are no original writings of the books of the Bible. If there were only one source, which could be tampered, than it could conceivably be modified by people, BUT if there are only thousands of copies of the originals, meticulously exact, than the task of changing the writings become significantly more difficult.)

Secondly, God has made himself accessible anytime and anywhere. When someone is dieing in a hospital in Sydney or in the battlefields of Afghanistan, God is as present as he is in the churches of New York city, for God cannot be contained. He is near you even now.

There is more specific and organized information in a slice of DNA than is found in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. and yet people will point to lack of evidence of God. (And current evidence, as of 2015, point out that it's all important information and not some useful information amongst a majority of unused data.)

Either way, if there was an item of material evidence and even since there's not, some men, most men, would come to the conclusion that God does not exist. Why, because their hearts are imperfect and don't want to surrender their authority of themselves.

Can you think of other reasons there would be a problem if God chose to reveal Himself in specific revelation through a material object?

The Bible is specific revelation that points to God, but isn't limited to an item or place.

Think about it.


September 30, 2013, 1:45 pm
My Thoughts
God is bigger than any person by which you've gotten to know Him. Don't confuse the two, for He is only using people to reveal Himself. Please remember to read the Bible so you hear directly from Him and you don't always hear from him through the 'filter' of others.

We can achieve victory over our sins as we pray for one another.


August 5, 2013, 12:06 pm
My Thoughts
What about miracles?

Science cannot investigate miracles but does that mean they don't happen? A mind that is confined to a closed universe worldview cannot begin to comprehend the possibility of a miraculous event. (A miracle being defined by an act in the material world that cannot be scientifically explained.) But that doesn't mean they don't exist? For a very long time in the history of man, people believed the earth was the center of our solar system, but this doesn't mean the belief is true. Even though the scientists and their tools, at their time, could not prove otherwise. (All scientists of their day believe they have the apex of understanding, yet some will admit there is more unknown than known. I like science and astronomy but I realize it is just a tool or an explanation of the material world. Just like a ruler or tape-measure can produce evidence of something physical, like the height of a statue. It cannot explain the emotional response of someone looking at the statue. It cannot explain the curves and design behind the artists desire to evoke a feeling. Science is the tape measure, life is the statue.)

Only an open mind can understand that the existence of an almighty God would at times, more times daily than even open minded worldview people believe, choose to intervene on behalf of the people he choose to rescue from a broken universe due to the sinful acts of mankind.

So are miracles real? With an open mind, I say yes! I've seen unexplainable events occur. I've read testimonies of miracles, I've heard first hand stories of amazing events. I understand that God loves mankind and goes to great lengths to rescue us daily and eternally yet it is our decision, your decision right now, to trust his miraculous salvation in the Messiah or to remain closed without the possiblity under the tools available to science in your day to see Truth.

Live, remembering that the central fact of your life is that you belong to Jesus Christ. His work is your work and he is your companion. Amen.


(This was Pastor Steve Brown's sermon closing for the sermons he taught at KBPC.)

August 5, 2013, 12:06 pm
My Thoughts
Live, remembering that the central fact of your life is that you belong to Jesus Christ. His work is your work and he is your companion. Amen.


(This was Pastor Steve Brown's sermon closing for the sermons he taught at KBPC.)

August 5, 2013, 12:05 pm
My Thoughts
Live, remembering that the central fact of your life is that you belong to Jesus Christ. His work is your work and he is your companion. Amen.


(This was Pastor Steve Brown's sermon closing for the sermons he taught at KBPC.)

August 5, 2013, 11:36 am
My Thoughts
Satan is the one in a time crunch. He must operate in a frenetic pace to accomplish his plans because his failure is imminent and his time will soon expire.

God is the owner of time and his pace can be one of leisure in a steady, calculated pace. He chooses to cut the hardest of stone with water molecules over thousands of years to create what people call, the natural wonders of the world. (See Grand Canyon.) He does the same in the design of our lives, in body and spirit.

So when feeling like you are in a time crunch, realize that when you hide yourself in Christ, you are on the side of the God of time. Relax in His time and His plan.


This idea was developed with Joe Korpics on a summer afternoon, in 2012, relaxing in the comfort of reclining chairs on their deck in their backyard overlooking their park like yard that ends at the lake. My friend Joe died later that year of pancreatic cancer.

August 5, 2013, 8:32 am
My Thoughts

The definition a friend of mine has for victory is the absence of fear. Using this definition and claiming victory in Christ means we will not fear, for Jesus is leading in a way that will transition us into heaven using us for his purposes while we are here on earth. But there is only victory where faith is found and faith in God must consume our lack of faith when we meet with fear. Maybe the biggest fear is when a person is facing their mortality and their thoughts are consumed with doubts of God's existence, placing his covenant of love and promises to mankind all in doubt, by labeling them a human manufacturing. Stand firm and do not give in to the doubt, because sober men and women have searched the scriptures, archeology, historical documents, science, biology, microbiology, astronomy and all the aspects the human brain can pontificate and the most likely explanation of it all is the God of the Bible and His design for mankind.
with love,

'Do not doubt in the dark what you learned in the light.' Steve Brown

August 5, 2013, 8:31 am
My Thoughts
Sometimes we need instruction on what something is not as well as what something is. If we instruct a child that a horse has four legs, a tail in the back, a head (with eyes, ears, nose and a mouth), that protrudes from a neck in the front, a student my see a cow and conclude it's a horse.

Well, in the same manner when we consider the future of robots, as mentioned in this article LINK , we can see that a Man is much more than the sum of his physical parts and contains a conscience in a manner that would have to specifically be programmed into a cyborg. What laws and controls will be agreed upon as to how that conscience can be programmed into such a droid? I'm sure that question will be answered differently when an ISIS terrorist is ordering droids from North Korea as opposed to USA ordering their army to fight for freedom in Turkey.

Without a standard that is above all cultures and continents, there can not be an agreed upon set of rules that should be standard in a droid. If there is a standard that is 'good' for all people of the world then I say it points to a standard above all mankind.

I would even say that there is a beauty standard that is above all creation. Why else would there be a Miss Universe contest, unless the entire universe can understand what's good and bad about beauty? I personally don't think beauty is in the eye of the beholder any more than truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Thank about that.


August 5, 2013, 8:19 am
My Thoughts

The definition a friend of mine has for victory is the absence of fear. Using this definition and claiming victory in Christ means we will not fear, for Jesus is leading in a way that will transition us into heaven using us for his purposes while we are here on earth. But there is only victory where faith is found and faith in God must consume our lack of faith when we meet with fear. Maybe the biggest fear is when a person is facing their mortality and their thoughts are consumed with doubts of God's existence, placing his covenant of love and promises to mankind all in doubt, by labeling them a human manufacturing. Stand firm and do not give in to the doubt, because sober men and women have searched the scriptures, archeology, historical documents, science, biology, microbiology, astronomy and all the aspects the human brain can pontificate and the most likely explanation of it all is the God of the Bible and His design for mankind.
with love,

'Do not doubt in the dark what you learned in the light.' Steve Brown

August 5, 2013, 11:49 am
My Thoughts
Satan is the one in a time crunch. He must operate in a frenetic pace to accomplish his plans because his failure is imminent and his time will soon expire.

God is the owner of time and his pace can be one of leisure in a steady, calculated pace. He chooses to cut the hardest of stone with water molecules over thousands of years to create what people call, the natural wonders of the world. (See Grand Canyon.) He does the same in the design of our lives, in body and spirit.

So when feeling like you are in a time crunch, realize that when you hide yourself in Christ, you are on the side of the God of time. Relax in His time and His plan.


This idea was developed with Joe Korpics on a summer afternoon, in 2012, relaxing in the comfort of reclining chairs on their deck in their backyard overlooking their park like yard that ends at the lake. My friend Joe died later that year of pancreatic cancer.

January 18, 2013, 8:51 am
My Thoughts
It was my desire to outline my theology by creating 365 entries in this blog for my children to read daily. I've learned that 365 entries is a lot of writing, therefore if I don't happen to finish this goal in my lifetime let me suggest that you get Oswald Chambers, 'My Utmost For His Highest', and read it daily. It is my favorite devotional. It is deep and profound, sometimes so deep you won't understand it until you are older. I really didn't see the multidimensional aspects of certain entries until I had walked this earth 40 years and more.

The other item I would leave you as an important core of my theological understanding is the apostles creed:

I believe in God the Father, Almighty,
make of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord.

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the Virgin Mary,
and suffered under Pontious Pilot,
was crucified dead and buried,
(he descended into hell).

On the third day he rose again,
he ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almight,
from thence He will come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost,
the Holy catholic Church,
the communion of the Saints,
the forgiveness of sin,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.


June 29, 2013, 3:18 pm
My Thoughts
'What shall I compare the kingdom of God to?
21 It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.' Luke 13:20-21

If God touches you in any part of your heart, he will soon dwell in all parts of your heart. Give Him Sunday mornings and you will find, with delight, he will be with you, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and in your marriage and in your parenting and in your work and career and hobbies and time etc. etc.

Added: 6/29/2016
As I age I can also perceive that the yeast of the Gospel that has hold of a man, works it's way through subsequent generations. Is it the enthusiasm of his love for the savior, Jesus Christ, that catches on with those that watch him or his fervent prayers for his children and their children as he prayers for them by name and then for his future generations yet unknown. 'a little yeast mixed into a large family tree works through until it is through all the generations.'


June 27, 2013, 10:36 am
My Thoughts
It seems to me, if you want to be satisfied and well grounded, not to be tossed about by the changing winds of the day, you must put down a broad foundation for the perspective of your life.

If your perspective fits into only 24 hours, your attitude and emotions will surely be tossed about by the winds of the day. (And I mean that you expect the highest highs to happen today, in romance, victory, and success.) When these short perspective events fail you, you can be sure you will find yourself in the dumps tomorrow.

As you mature you begin to expand your perspective, beyond 24 hours and into the accomplishments achieved over a span of years (as in making it a goal become a college graduate).

As you mature more you will expand your perspective to having a family and raising children or embarking on a life long career journey. These things last at least 20 years and even 40, 50 and 60 years. Sure they come with daily disappointments but when the goal is set over the long span of time, progress is made in measurements of decades and not hours.

A follower of Christ has the ultimate in stability for attitude and emotions in that their foundation is eternal. For several reasons: 1. There is nothing in this world, even your own miserable self, that can separate us from the Love of Christ. That means you, everyone you meet, every demon that comes against you, everything can not separate you from Jesus! 2. The step that brings you together with Jesus in the first place is not through your work and accomplishments, but through the finished perfect work of Jesus. You can't fail or mess up what has already been done, any more than you can void a legal contract your earthy father may have signed on behalf of your family.

I encourage you therefor to raise your perspective into the eternal by reading God's
Word that describes from a eternal perspective who you are, how you are loved and your eternal destiny.


June 18, 2013, 8:33 am
My Thoughts
Satan has convinced us that Holiness is boring and stuffy, when it is really exceeding beautiful and energizing. It is my prayer that you would experience God in his Holiness with the eyes of your heart so that you will be changed forever.


June 10, 2013, 9:53 am
My Thoughts
Walk in the strength by which you were saved. Not in the power of your flesh but in the power of Jesus Christ.

You had no labor in your salvation, and you shall have no labor in your walk (or sanctification) only surrender yourself by 1. Asking for His help for one more day to be the best in all the rolls of office God has placed you. 2. Get back up to the work you are to do (as certainly you have failed again today and will tomorrow). It is humility, to get back up into your rolls of office. If you fallen 10,001 times, humility is getting up 10,002 times.)


This is part two. Please read part one from yesterday.

June 10, 2013, 9:35 am
My Thoughts
What does a spiritual joy look like?

Fulfilling with excellence, to the best of your ability, the roll of the office God has put you in.

What does that look like?

Are you a student, study, striving for straight A's.

Are you a husband/wife? Love your spouse according to God's word 'Husband's love your wives, Wives respect your husbands. (Oh please never consider joining yourself to a non-believer. And never consider divorce as an option, these actions would grieve the spirit of our Lord.)

Are you a father/mother? (Have you ever had a child in wedlock or not?) Raise up that child in the way it should go in the honor and wisdom of the Lord, Jesus Christ. (Oh please don't be a deadbeat Dad or Mom. Oh please don't abandon/abuse your child for these things grieve the spirit of our Lord.)

Are you an employee? Work as unto the Lord. Don't steal minutes of time away or cheat on your time card. The health of your company is important to your income.

Are you an employer? Server your employees in a manner worthy of the Lord. Many families rely on you to be successful in what you do, it might not be charity but still fathers, mothers, children rely on the source of income you provide.

I believe God finds joy when we embrace these rolls. Examples: changing a very dirty diaper at 2:00am. Disciplining a teen so that they turn from wicked ways. Respecting a man to which you're married for no other reason than to be obedient to God. Loving a woman to which you are married for no other reason than to be obedient to God. (And I mean in daily chores, washing the clothes, washing the dishes, mopping the floor, washing the windows and the shower and the bathroom and the porch.) Working hard for no other reason than to be obedient to God.

Sure our flesh desires the mountain top experience and we want to be admired for the great sermon we just gave or the wonderfully successful missions trip we just finished, but life is in the daily domestic tasks and that's where God finds joy in us.

How can these things be done?

Read tomorrows entry.

Love Dad

June 10, 2013, 9:24 am
My Thoughts
The Joy of the Lord is like rich deep black soil. From it grows many beautiful flowers and fruitful trees. Living things that can put down deep roots and weather the storms. It is the needed source of a rich, satisfying life. As a matter of example the storms of life cannot remove the Joy of the Lord, maybe they can erode the depth at times but God is good at replenishing or restoring what might be lost.

Money can look like joy because it too can be a soil from which many good things grow, but it is not eternal. I would say the soil of money is above ground, vulnerable to the floods and storms of life. In one event it can all be swept away. And what good is money when you are on your death bed?

Other highs or happy experiences in our human experience are shallow soils that cannot sustain beauty for very long, but quickly end up having scorched plants in the heat of the sun.

Yes, in one devastating storm you may have lost many beautiful plants in your life, but the Joy of the Lord is still rich and deep and many good things can grow again.


June 5, 2013, 7:50 am
My Thoughts
A father is greater than a friend. A father does not worry about social nuances between you and him, he proceeds in forming you in a way that will equip you for life, in your career, your marriage, your parenting, even your death. This is why sometimes it feels like a father just doesn't understand, yet he is looking 10 or 20 years into your future when he tells you what good to do and not just what will feel good at the end of the week.

It is not an easy responsibility, but it comes with great rewards.

God Bless,

June 5, 2013, 7:56 am
My Thoughts
Purple Dirt

A pioneer family decided to move west from the east coast of North America to find richer fields of dirt.

They traveled by wagon train for many weeks until they reached a vast treeless plain that was stunningly simple and beautiful.

They settled down to build houses and gardens, barns and fenced pastures. Little did they know that there was a distinct difference about the dirt where they had settled.

After awhile some children got sick and a few even died. Great concern spread through the small community. One observant fellow happened to piece together that the sick and especially the dead children had a habit of playing in some specific areas that were distinguishable by it's purple dirt.

Once the families realized that purple dirt was a grave concern for their children they put into action things that would help the children from accidentally playing in the wrong areas.

When they attempted to teach their children to stay away from the areas of purple dirt they found that the children could not physically distinguish between the normal rich black dirt and the dangerous purple dirt.

At first the town decided to remove all the purple dirt. That didn't work well. They discovered any dirt that was used to cover over the areas of purple dirt, after awhile, became purple dirt. Since they couldn't remove it, they decided to erect fences around the areas of purple dirt. (The areas of purple dirt were quite small compared to the beautiful vast planes.)

Once the fences were in place, the children were taught how dangerous it was to play in those areas, yet some jumped the fences and still died playing in the purple dirt.

The towns grew and each generation had to experience for themselves the dangers of purple dirt, as none really learned how dangerous it was until they saw the effects for themselves.

I wrote this story in 1995 to teach my children about the rules I put in place around the house. No touching outlets, no running in the street, no playing around the lawn mower, etc. etc. Of course as they grew and experienced some painful things they learned to be cautious when they were in unknown situations.

I later realized that maturity wasn't enough for people to see the purple dirt but only through the study of the Bible could purple dirt be completely visible to the human eyes. For only God can distinctly point out the purple dirt for our eternal soul.



June 4, 2013, 9:22 am
My Thoughts
Why must my daughter's boyfriends attend church?

The community of the Bible is the place I want my children to live.
1. No murder. It is a great relief to think of the city where there is no murder. I wouldn't mind letting my daughter stay out until midnight knowing she will be safe.

2. No adultery. This means I can rest safe knowing she won't be raped or stolen into sex slavery, as we in Cleveland know too well in 2013.
3. No stealing. She won't be robbed of anything she has, not at knife point or gun point. She and her stuff will be safe.
4. No lying. She won't be swindled into starting something that would be bad for her or into a scheme that looks like an investment.
5. No coveting. She will not come home feeling unsatisfied because she doesn't have the latest Gucci handbag.

That's the type of community I want my daughter to live in and to get there the first 5 commandments are necessary.

1. Love The Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul.
2. Put no idols before God. (Not sex, drugs, fame and fortune)
3. Honor God's name
4. Honor the Lord's day. (Yes, attending church is important)
5. Honor your father and mother.

This is how I want my kids to live. Everything else ends in separation, pain and sorrow.

OKay, there might not be a city on this earth like this, but it's my prayer that all my children will live in homes with families of their own that will be like this. It can be done and it all starts with knowing God and dating those who know and love God too.

Love Dad

May 13, 2013, 8:04 am
My Thoughts
There seems to be an incompatible thought in my contemporary church in the USA that is common in well-to-do churches. There is a teaching that indicates a good christian family should at least have a savings account, with six months income reserved for hard times and a retirement account that will be there for you when you retire, or at least when you choose to transition from your vocation into full time missions. If you don't have these things in place than you are squandering what God has given you because you haven't budgeted and lived properly.

On the other hand a missionary named George Muller is highly esteemed for having a strong faith. This faith allowed him to operate an orphanage with hundreds of children yet at times have bare cupboards. Even as he and his children sat down for dinner there would be times they wouldn't even have a slice of bread to put on the table. They would sit pray and God would show up with food to fill the table.

It's one thing to revere George Muller but it is entirely a different thing to live like him. Our teachings today make us guilty to rely on God to provide for our daily living. In my mind our enemy has us cornered in an argument like the trickster that agrees to a coin flip and says, 'heads I win, tails you loose.'

I do believe one must live in a way so as not to overspend and yes the guidelines laid out by Burkett that allows for 20% savings, 50% living expenses, 10% tithing and 20% entertainment is a good idea. But what happens when the job is lost and the savings is gone and the retirement account is used up and you have to rely on God. You can live guilty that you sinned against the Burkett teaching or enjoy the opportunity to rely on God.

May 30, 2013, 1:24 pm
My Thoughts

As I have been justified in your sight by the atoning works of Jesus life and sacrifice, I now walk in sanctification completely by your works in my life and by no achievement of my own. You allow me to glimpse what I am without you and I confess I am wretched. Yet, your work of sanctification will be completed because of who you are. Help me to NOT close the door on your work by continually rejecting you but give me the hearing to listen, and the strength the follow after you.
I pray this for myself and for my children. One because as a family we need each other, to pray for and encourage one another, and two because they need the environment of a stable Dad and Mom and as an example of how to follow you in all stages of life.
With all my thanks and praise!
Your loving son,

August 15, 2013, 11:44 am
My Thoughts
Experiences of life are like a Nascar race. It's a circular track, you're going to go through ever turn again and again and again, how are you going to handle the turns on the next lap? Are you going to hit that turn better prepared to not slip on the grease spot you're vulnerable to, or smack the wall again, like I've done a thousand times, or will we drive smarter.

But also remember His mercies are new every morning. Salvation is in Christ alone, does it matter how we hit the turns or just stop in pit row? But there's something to be said about winning the prize: like Paul said in 1 Cor 9, also talking about Nascar, 'Do you not know that in a race everyone drives, but only one gets the prize? Race in such a way as to get the prize.' We're going to go through the husband turn, the friendship turn, the son turn, the employee turn, the business trip turn (the hotel by yourself turn), the surfing on the internet turn, and others...how we hit the turns determine where we place. Of course the world watches just to see the crashes, but we know winning the race is more fun and satisfying.

(2015 Addition: I've heard and learned that the best way to improve your marriage is to be the best spouse you can be. If you're the husband, be the best husband in the world. If you're the wife, be the best wife in the world. Focus on yourself and your willingness to server the other and not about what you've demanded of your spouse and they won't give you. In the same way, the best way to have a great community, city, state, world is to be the best person you can be. So unless you enter into the turns in life knowing how to navigate well, you will crash ultimately degrading your community, city, state and world. [I'm not talking about salvation by works here, just how God designed harmony among people.] So, to have the best country, be the best at who you are and you'll find the world a better place. Example: if you're an alcoholic, make sure you don't crash by not drinking or drinking with a lot of accountability, so you're never drunk again.)

Drive on. Only briefly look in the rear view mirror and pay attention to your next turn.


February 19, 1971, 3:32 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us. By which I mean if we stood before a Holy, Holy, Holy God we would be undone (Isaiah 6). Our pastor has a good visual example of this. One day he had an electric hot skillet on a table. He took a drop of water and dropped it on the skillet. As you would expect, the drop of water was undone and within a couple of seconds evaporated and was gone.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


August 5, 2013, 11:49 am
My Thoughts
Satan is the one in a time crunch. He must operate in a frenetic pace to accomplish his plans because his failure is imminent and his time will soon expire.

God is the owner of time and his pace can be one of leisure in a steady, calculated pace. He chooses to cut the hardest of stone with water molecules over thousands of years to create what people call, the natural wonders of the world. (See Grand Canyon.) He does the same in the design of our lives, in body and spirit.

So when feeling like you are in a time crunch, realize that when you hide yourself in Christ, you are on the side of the God of time. Relax in His time and His plan.


This idea was developed with Joe Korpics on a summer afternoon, in 2012, relaxing in the comfort of reclining chairs on their deck in their backyard overlooking their park like yard that ends at the lake. My friend Joe died later that year of pancreatic cancer.

May 6, 1981, 9:27 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


January 18, 2013, 8:39 am
My Thoughts
I love knowing that I am a part of creation. Why? well because of this verse:

Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Where it says, 'nor anything else in all creation', includes me since I am in creation. Which means that I can't even separate myself from God's love no matter how hard I try. God's mercy is relentless in pouring over me, obliterating the impact and long term effects of my past sins, my occurring sins and my future sins.

Of course to live a joyful life we will set aside all encumbrances and sins that eat away at us like a cancer so that we will stop, as best we can, all impulse to go on sinning. But know that even if that fleshly erg overwhelmed you, it's not enough to undo the relentless love of God, oh you created being.


January 12, 2013, 10:14 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


August 15, 2013, 11:37 am
My Thoughts
Experiences of life are like a Nascar race. It's a circular track, you're going to go through ever turn again and again and again, how are you going to handle the turns on the next lap? Are you going to hit that turn better prepared to not slip on the grease spot you're vulnerable to, or smack the wall again, like I've done a thousand times, or will we drive smarter.

But also remember His mercies are new every morning. Salvation is in Christ alone, does it matter how we hit the turns or just stop in pit row? But there's something to be said about winning the prize: like Paul said in 1 Cor 9, also talking about Nascar, 'Do you not know that in a race everyone drives, but only one gets the prize? Race in such a way as to get the prize.' We're going to go through the husband turn, the friendship turn, the son turn, the employee turn, the business trip turn (the hotel by yourself turn), the surfing on the internet turn, and others...how we hit the turns determine where we place. Of course the world watches just to see the crashes, but we know winning the race is more fun and satisfying.

Drive on. Only briefly look in the rear view mirror and pay attention to your next turn.


May 6, 1981, 9:27 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


May 6, 1981, 9:27 am
My Thoughts
Perspective on life in this Creation:

There are lots of perspectives of life, I'd like to point out 2 here. The first is lacking something, the second I think is more comprehensive.

1. This is a terrible, no good, very bad place. You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, and appeasing the needs and issues is work. Entering into that work and brushing up against the thistles and thorns is painful and it can become overwhelming, forcing many to despair. It's like being trapped in a vice that closes in as each day (or era of life) brings new challenges and difficulties. This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain. The problem though is that our minds get stuck trying to reconcile a loving God with our experiences. (Experience: a person in North America can feel deeply depressed in a well heated, comfortable home with food in the refrigerator and pantry while a political prisoner in Russia shivering on the cell floor feels the same deep despair.) This view kinda considers the spiritual realm but mostly sticks with the facts that are taught as secular understanding of life. I mean what you can touch, taste, smell, hear and see is more important than anything else. What if the unseen is more permanent that anything else. 2 Cor 4:18. If not then, yes, this is just a miserable place and we can be miserable in it, but what if the protection from what we don't see is a magnitude worse.

2. This world is our protection from something that is our horrible undoing.
You don't have to live very long to realize that life in this realm is hard, but what if there are more permanent things (the unseen realm) that exist, 2 Cor 4:18, that if we came into contact, we would be totally obliterated, but before being obliterated it would be like a horror movie x1000.
This view accommodates the Biblical worldview as we know we are in a sinful world where there is much disobedience that causes pain and it opens up the teaching of the spiritual realm that helps us understand that what we experience is less than 1% of that which would come against us.
How could Jesus be jovial as he lived on this earth? Jesus could enjoy the oasis that this world affords, in the midst of the mighty battle/storm that rages on the other side of the barrier.

Please see this world as a protective place that God has allowed you to live in, and experience his love, mercy and compassion. He has placed you in this strong protective bubble we call creation and instead of being un-thankful and holding to the #1 perspective where your appreciation has to be associated with things seen, understand the mighty fortress you are in protecting you from what is unseen. And like Jesus don't just enjoy life but let others know, God has placed them in this protective place (from the unseen horrific dark world as well as the justice of God) so they too can experience, as long as it's called today, the love, grace and mercy of God with a complete understanding.


January 2, 2013, 9:52 am
My Thoughts
A New Year

A National Holiday that celebrates the Now, instead of an important historical national event. Now is important, it is the cutting edge of all history where things past cannot be changed and the future is yet to be experienced.

Now is the time to take inventory of, Who you are? What is the meaning of your life? Why are you experiencing now? Where do you expect to go this year?

My experience has lead me to understand that I am a child of God, adopted into his family through the work of my Savior Jesus Christ. Who came to earth, lived and died to pay the penalty for my sins and restore me to my rightful place with God. My satisfaction, joy and meaning are found only in knowing and living this.

The meaning of my life is to enjoy my God, whose done this great work, by glorifying him every moment of my life. For I have eternal hope where those who have not been restored are eternally hopeless. Sure they hope for a good experience today and maybe tomorrow but other than their 5 senses and the fact that those will only last 70, 80 maybe 90 years, is there any hope beyond?

Now I get to rejoice in my savior, Jesus Christ. For my life is not just a beating heart of breathing lungs but it is knowing God. (Who reveals himself as Loving, Joyful, Peaceful, Patient, Good, Kind, Gentle, Faithful, and self controlled. All of these work together always engaged which is a wonderful revelation. God will never do anything out of an angry reaction because he is self controlled. God will never rush a situation because he is patient. Oh what a beautiful character God has when we see his traits acting all equally in harmony in all he does.)

I don't know where I will go this year but another promise my God has is that he will never leave me or forsake me. He will be with me through every moment and every experience, good or bad. Thinking it through I deserve the worst that would come my way, for the wages of my sin is death but God's gift is eternal life and though I struggle with a sin stained world now He promises me a life free of sin's effects when I walk through the mortal threshold and meet Him in eternity.


November 5, 2012, 7:14 am
My Thoughts
I've heard it said since I was a kid, 'The American Church has become complacent' but I haven't understood the impact until recently.

I attended a PAAR's training class to keep my foster parenting certification current and discovered that 60% - 70% of all the inmates of Ohio prisons have been through the foster care system. To me that sounded the alarm that is waking me up out of my complacency and into the mode that there is a hole in this cruise ship I've been living on. Although others around me can seemingly ignore the danger and continue to live their lives like this ship will never sink, I am starting to get the urgency to pray for the church to rise up and take back her God given privilege to care for the orphan and the widow. Or this ship will soon be so inundated with water it will sink.

A large part of the American churches complacency started with the governments takeover of the welfare system. I am not against helping others when they are in need but the government has no effective way of changing a life. The recidivism rate of inmates is ridiculously high, like 90%. It is only God that can change a life, which even statistics prove. (The recidivism rate for inmates that attend a Bible study is half and for those who take a stand to follow after Christ it drops much lower.) So, if the government continues in this roll of welfare, I expect we will only see those receiving welfare will grow and grow and grow.

So how does the church start to respond to the alarm.
1. Get into Foster Care. Not just any family can handle these children in great need. They need praying families that love Jesus and will allow the little ones to come unto him (and into His church and church families.)
2. Adopt. How can a church be against abortion and yet be so anemic at accepting a child that needs a forever family.

I believe what has to happen though, is that our perspective needs to move away from the consumerism of a cruise ship to the idea that we need to do whatever it takes to follow after Christ, even if our hair gets messy, our hands get dirty (TV show revolutions), our houses look mussed up and littered ('Cheaper by the Dozen' Steve Martin movie) and at times we are frazzled. The deck of the Titanic was a place of urgency and not a time to be concerned about appearances.

Oh God don't the church continue in it's passive, spectator behavior of their involvement in your world. Make them rise up and do it the right way and allow you to revive our land. People will look to you as their provider and savior in this life and the next instead of the current government. In Christ Name, Amen.


October 8, 2012, 8:14 am
My Thoughts
It doesn't matter what culture people are raised in, they are aware of the importance of their ancestors. An example can be found even in a recent popular movie called 'The Avengers.' There is a scene where the 'good' guys are sitting around a table talking about the 'bad' guy. One of the good guys, Thor, speaks up and says, 'he is my brother' but when it comes to light that this 'brother' has killed a lot of people in 48 hours, he adds, 'he was adopted.' Why did he say that? He said it to distance himself from the tainted blood of an undeniably poor ancestry.

If this is how every human thinks than its just natural to be racist. A person always has the tendency to defend their family and in doing so they will naturally put down others.

This is the opposite of God's plan. Currently, instead of looking back to our fathers, grand fathers, great grand fathers, etc. etc., to show how good or clean we are, He wants us to focus on the fact that he has extended to us the opportunity to be adopted into his family, as sons and daughters, not as grandsons and granddaughters. Once we claim that Christ is our salvation from the wrath of God, then we claim the God of the universe as our Dad. We have bragging rights to this Dad. We can approach his thrown boldly as a son or daughter to ask for things, we have freedom in knowing heaven is our inheritance.

Dad Wallen

October 8, 2012, 8:09 am
My Thoughts
Our pastor this weekend equated our Rest in Christ to Freedom. When we enter into the rest of God, as listed in the 10 commandments, it is not indicating a simple afternoon nap. It is listed next to murder and adultery and robber and carries the weight of something life altering, which is freedom from the slavery of idols. No longer do we have to toil in our lives like the pagan, but we work for God and he provides. No longer must we make sure our good list outweighs our bad list because He as Judge and Counselor has taken it upon himself to clear our guilty name with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, in time, for all eternity.


October 3, 2012, 12:14 pm
My Thoughts
My Prayer

Proverbs 15:1-7 ESV

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. A fool despises his father's instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. ...

It's one thing to read this verse in how you can relate to others, but read it in the perspective of how you relate to yourself. Do you allow your thoughts towards yourself to break your spirit, then through deductive reasoning they are perverse thoughts. Don't allow the harsh words of your spirit stir up anger or folly in your countenance for it is just the folly of the old foolish man.

Be the gentle, wise tongue commending knowledge and establishing growth via the tree of life to yourself and then to others. If you can't love yourself can you really love others?


October 2, 2012, 2:34 pm
My Thoughts
Proverbs 9:7-9

Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

When you or a loved-one corrects you, how do you respond? Do you abuse yourself mentally in turn causing emotional injury? How can you reprove yourself if you are a scoffer or you will end up hating yourself. Become like the wise man and you will respect yourself and become wiser still with self inspection and learning.

In other words don't get depressed and get yourself down. That your own reproof and life a righteous life and increase in learning.


October 2, 2012, 10:30 am
My Thoughts
20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers outside. 23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father’s nakedness.

24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said,

“Cursed be Canaan!
The lowest of slaves
will he be to his brothers.”

26 He also said,

“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem!
May Canaan be the slave of Shem.[b]
27 May God extend the territory of Japheth[c];
may Japheth live in the tents of Shem,
and may Canaan be his[d] slave.” Genesis chapter 9

This passage is an example in the contrast of treating someone in a loving manner vs an unloving manner.

First, Unloving: Poke fun of a flaw that you recognize in someone. Talk about this flaw when you meet with your friends, even if others don't want to talk about the flaw, make sure everyone knows. Why? It's not gossip, it really happened and people should know about it right? Well, yes, in an unloving world it will get on Facebook and it will destroy a reputation, but that's the way of the world and not the love God wants his people to be known for, 'They will know we are Christian by our love'

Second, Loving: Cover over the flaw that you recognize in someone. To the best of your ability, cover the act physically and in your conversation. Never mention the flaw when you meet with friends and family. Sure it really happened, but everyone has a flaw and you know it doesn't feel loving when others talk about your flaw so don't talk about flaws you see in others.

For those of you, like me, who have a hard time accepting themselves, you must recognize that God wants us to love ourselves in this same way. Do not remember and expose your flaw by contemplating it over and over again. Sure it really happened and it can be an issue but cover it as soon as you recognize it is a problem. Take it to God in prayer. Ask for forgiveness and then ask God to help you cover it in all your thoughts and actions, never allow it to contaminate your perspective again.

Learn to live like Shem and Japheth towards others and yourself. Love, Dad

October 1, 2012, 11:53 am
My Thoughts
My Prayer

'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.' Psalm 122:6

It seems this statement is applicable in every age, since the foundations of the city of Jerusalem were laid. It also alerts me to the global activity in which God calls me to be aware and active. My life can be monotonous and arduous just keeping up with the daily rigamarole. I can be very preoccupied without even lifting my eyes past my own two feet. But God, being God, is concerned with all creation and not just my corner of the world, and he asks me to be involved.

One day you too will have the opportunity to pray for peace on this earth, especially as it applies to the walls of Jerusalem and I pray you will not let such an opportunity pass. There will come a day when I will cease to dwell on this earth, meaning I can no longer interact in the creation of time and space as we know it. While I am here I strive to intercede for my 6 billion brothers and sisters living here with me. Especially those in: Uzbekistan, Mal Dives, France, China, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cuba, USA, Russia, and India.

Pray for your brothers and sister that tread this earth with you. You may be the only gateway through which heaven can pour out God's spirit into the hearts and lives of others.


September 29, 2012, 10:29 am
My Thoughts
Have you ever been on a small boat in blue water at a distance from shore where you can't see land? On a calm day it is exhilarating. The sounds of a peaceful breeze, the sights of an expansive blue sky and the gentle waves reflecting the beautiful sunshine like a clear cut diamond. It's a wonderful experience, if you have a good boat that can get you home when you want. This same scene can be a nightmare if your boat has stranded you and you have no hope of returning to civilization.

Life is like that too. One day we can be enjoying the peace and beauty of it and then we try to start the motor to head home and the battery is dead. A panic sets in and all the contingency plans you had thought about, but never really purchased and put in place, come to mind and instantly you become an idiot for delaying in such important matters. They didn't seem so important when you were in harbor and you had just paid for fuel, your doc fees, your new steering cables and motor mounts (that had corroded in the salt air) and innumerable other expenses. Besides, those 'safety' items were just over priced and a way for companies to really rob you. But here you are and you have robbed yourself.

Your life is just like that. It can be beautiful until the diagnosis of cancer hits. It can be just right and your spouse is suddenly taken from you in a terrible accident. When these events hit, there's no way to get back home. Home, to this point has been the comforts of a nice house with a nice family, a healthy bank account and friends that you enjoy being with. These things are nice but they are temporary and will fade away. Heaven, on the other hand, was made for you and me, actually all us humans. It is our home and we have been given passage to it, not because of what we have done (strength), what we have said (intellect), what we have felt (emotion), but because the God who has put us on the sea of life loves us. He did not abandon us to drift and worry. Throughout his sea of time he has made himself evident, even to this day, in his Word, in his people, and even in his creation.

Embrace his passage Home like you would grasp the mooring lines of a ship that has come to your rescue on the sea. Firmly tie it to the bow of your craft by trusting in his accomplishment on the cross that he provided even before you were born so that you can get Home, too Him, to all who believe. That is what Scripture calls entering into His rest. The rest of going Home under the rescuer's power.

(There is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12)

September 28, 2012, 10:32 am
My Thoughts
My Prayer

Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.
Renew them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy. (Hab 3:1)

Your fame reaches through history and spans continents. Even from my location in a small town in Ohio, USA in 2012 I have heard of the glory of your name.

May my lips be not silent and my actions resound and sing in the pitch and harmony of Truth that will echo through history even into eternity.

Make your wrath known in our day and make it as newsworthy as the latest reports, until we are acutely aware of the Truth that you are not going to let any unjust person go without compensation for their robbery or theft, cheating or deceit. As just judge of all people I trust that you will meet out complete equality to all people. Since we are all guilty none would be able to stand before you without your mercy as expressed in Jesus Christ. His payment of the penalty not for himself, but for mankind makes everyone eligible to have peace with you.

Do this in our day, Lord God! ...Dad

September 25, 2012, 10:22 am
My Thoughts
The world cries for co-existence but what they get is chaos existence. There's only one way to peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the more he is removed from our culture or our hearts, the more we slip in to chaos.

If the jail is left to the prisoners to run, injustice reigns. We need to have a just person in control to provide love and care for each and every individual. The only just person qualified is Jesus. If you really love everyone on this earth you will help put Jesus in his rightful place in your heart and in the world, as the one and only one in control. (That's what missionaries do.) ...Dad

September 25, 2012, 8:01 am
My Thoughts
My Prayer

God our Father,
I praise your name with all my heart as I acknowledge your eternal love unto me. What joy fills my mind when I consider your actions that express your love. First, in the crucifixion of your son Jesus, you authenticate my sinful, guilty state. For I indeed am a wretched sinner, incapable of saving myself. You also authenticate your Word that proclaims your love, by loving me even unto death, death on the Cross.
I pray that I can live by authenticating the reality of your love back to you.

What I mean is this: like a teenager has a hard time believing others can love them exactly for who they are and not what they do, live outside the reality of the love from their parents, so I live outside the love you have for me. Make me like a child that dwells in your love and let me authenticate the love and joy you express to me in your Word, and in your creation. Help me authenticate your expressed emotions towards me in my life. Then I won't live like a random atom wandering about the universe without purpose or hope, but I will live like a child of the King with the garments of love and peace and dwell in your presence where righteousness abounds. And when others look at me may they see the results of a living God that loves me.

Dad Wallen

September 25, 2012, 7:54 am
My Thoughts
My Prayer

Thank you for the gift of salvation as it was given through Jesus Christ your son. As a human standing on this earth, this day, I acknowledge that I am in need of a savior and I celebrate your gift with joy and humility.
I pray that the children of our church would not wear Jesus like a fashion. That they wouldn't peer into a room and see a Bible study and think, 'Oh, I'd rather not be with them right now. I want to be where the action is.' For Jesus is not a fashion like bell-bottom jeans, wide ties or long side-burns. He is essential to life like a heart, lungs, stomach, eyes, and ears. Be essential to our kids.
Dad Wallen

September 9, 2009, 7:45 am
My Thoughts
Evolutionary find

Speaking at the British Science Festival in Guildford, where he gave the British Council lecture, Professor Lordkipanidze raised the prospect that Homo erectus may have evolved in Eurasia from the more primitive-looking Dmanisi population and then migrated back to Africa to eventually give rise to our own species, Homo sapiens – modern man.

'The question is whether Homo erectus originated in Africa or Eurasia, and if in Eurasia, did we have vice-versa migration? This idea looked very stupid a few years ago, but today it seems not so stupid,' he told the festival.

The point of this quote is that what seems stupid today may not seem so stupid in the near future. Do you think believing and having a relationship with God is stupid? Maybe one day very soon it will be very evident that it's not so stupid.


October 15, 2008, 8:24 am
My Thoughts

'Remember the word that I said to you' John 15:20

I like to scan through pictures, old and new. It reminds me of all the fun that I've had and have forgotten. I can remember watching old movies as a child. Dad would setup the projector and reels of movies and we'd sit around listening to this machine clicking away as we watched some small fragment of a vacation, a holiday or birthday. Remembering can be fun but it can hurt too.

How do you practically setup your day to remember the words of your savior? There's a lot of encouragement to memorize scripture. For those of us in a free country, where the scriptures are readily available we take for granted the easy access we have to such holy words, and we put off any efforts of memorization. Yet these Words reveal truth as it really is, outside the stains of sin in this world. That means it reveals God himself.

Think of the Hubble telescope. $4.5 billion, to date, have been spent so people can peer into deep space to get a glimpse of the beginning of time. Well the Bible reveals before the beginning, 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.' God has gone to great lengths to preserve his scriptures that we might have it as a pointer to himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Scriptures are even stronger than the Hubble yet because it's been God's economy of effort to write, and preserve them we don't consider it as exciting. Yet it shines light on the beginning and the end.

Before we are going to remember something we have to think it worth remembering. I pray that you realize the importance of the Scriptures, the Bible. If scriptures are available to you that you would then take advantage of reading and remembering the promises of God, even more than you remember garbage night or paying the bills. 'This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.'

August 4, 2008, 8:38 am
My Thoughts

If we think that holiness is boring then we've been deceived of its true meaning. Holiness is so attractive and appealing that if we were to experience just a nanosecond of it we would never turn away.

Thank about that.

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