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Summer would be boring without rockets:

My Thoughts

As I have been justified in your sight by the atoning works of Jesus life and sacrifice, I now walk in sanctification completely by your works in my life and by no achievement of my own. You allow me to glimpse what I am without you and I confess I am wretched. Yet, your work of sanctification will be completed because of who you are. Help me to NOT close the door on your work by continually rejecting you but give me the hearing to listen, and the strength the follow after you.
I pray this for myself and for my children. One because as a family we need each other, to pray for and encourage one another, and two because they need the environment of a stable Dad and Mom and as an example of how to follow you in all stages of life.
With all my thanks and praise!
Your loving son,

Cub Scouts

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