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My Thoughts

In life sometimes it seems a new beginning is what you need to move forward. Or another perspective of the same idea is that, it's easier to see the faults that are close to you and hard to detect them from far away. By that I mean your job might appear to have a lot more issues than other jobs you could have, but that's just because you are viewing those other jobs from a distance. Maybe one country appears to be a better place to live then the one you're currently in, but that's just because you are so close to the problems in your country that you would only understand if you live there, opposed to watching life from a distance in a different country via brochures and news casts.

This is a fallen world. Every country, job, and person has problems. It will remain that way until God renews creation.

That said, you have the best knowledge of the place your in to help you through the problems. If you move to a new job or a new city, sure it will look fresh and unblemished for awhile, but that's just until you learn the blemishes by accidentally falling into problems. If you stay where you are you already know the problems, how to deal with them or how to avoid them all together. Although it means living with the problems you know, it is probably better than living with problems you don't know, learning them by going through setbacks before getting back to the place you're in now so you can finally move forward.

(This is written in the perspective of a situation where countries are without war or significant economic issues. Of course it's better to be in a free society with liberty and economic promise. As I wrote it I meant it to be considered if you are contemplating moving from, say, Chicago to Atlanta or Texas to Kentucky. Not Syria to Australia.)