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My Thoughts


One way to look at wisdom is to say it's a working worldview.

A worldview is a web of understanding starting with the source of life, the reasons for intelligence, the understanding of good and evil, down to the question of, why is there death.

We all operate in the now, with pressures and important issues we must deal with every day. Wisdom gives us the why things are happening when they happen during, what insurance companies would call, a life event. Your worldview is the web that connects all these experiences or life events, in a unifying theme. These life events are: the birth of a baby, the death of a spouse, the emancipation of a child (as they leave for college or to start their career), divorce, etc. If your worldview doesn't take into account all life events, when you come face to face with the disconnected event, you will feel lost and threatened or alone and fearful and you will cry out 'why, why me'.

Wisdom, or the working worldview, explains the why and the how of all your experiences. Christians are not shaken because they stand on the Biblical worldview that explains any life event. They have the deeper understanding of why as explained in the Bible, God's word, disseminated through all time explaining the web of our experiences.

For example death in the Biblical Worldview:
Why is death so hard to deal with? Death was never supposed happen. It is only an effect due to the cause of disobedience of mankind. Death is now an important door by which we can return to the way we were created, without sin and without corruption and in perfect relationship with God. This is why we cry and feel so bad at the death of a loved one, it was never meant to be that way. We were created to live in harmony with God eternally, not to die. In our Biblical Worldview we can know that death is a positive in our life, for our souls, of course only if your sins have been forgiven and you've been washed clean by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Then you have been adopted into God's family and will abide there forever. The Bible says there will be no more hunger or pain or sorrow, and you will still be you. You wont lose your identity and become one with the energy of life or the atoms of your body won't be scattered across the universe without any recognition of YOU. God says you will still be you and you will have a special name that he will give to YOU.

Think about that.
