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My Thoughts

Jesus talks more about Hell than any one else in the Bible. He is also the only one that came from the otherside of life. Meaning he is the only one that has seen and understood Hell.

If we are aware of impending doom on this earth we would all warn others to avoid such an end. (This is why there are drives to stamp out cancer or overcome Alzhiemers, etc. Because people and loved ones that have been through the awefulness of the disease don't wish it on anyone but want a cure.)

Jesus has experienced heaven and hell and he has a Gospel drive going on right now, not to raise money, or gain fame but to warn humans about a destination that is terrible. No human has to arrive at such a destination as he, Jesus, has justly experienced the full wrath of God so we don't have to. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Think about that.
