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Department of Treasury

USA debt as it stands November, 7, 2014 is $17,882,211,000,000

When The current president took office the outstanding debt October 9, 2008 was $9,815,000,000,000.

That's almost a %100 increase in debt. An amount of $806,721,100,000 and Americans are not happy (the presidents political party was delt a blow in the polls as Republicans had historic wins over the Democrats). Meaning you can't give money to the people to make them happy. It's more important to provide jobs.

To put this in perspective, if USA's Gross National Product were applied to the debt and no one spent any money for 1 year (not eating or buying toilet paper or buying gas or clothes or anything) The total amount is: 17,416,250,000,000. Even if all that went to pay down the debt, USA would still be $466,961,000,000 in debt.