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My Thoughts

It seems to me, if you want to be satisfied and well grounded, not to be tossed about by the changing winds of the day, you must put down a broad foundation for the perspective of your life.

If your perspective fits into only 24 hours, your attitude and emotions will surely be tossed about by the winds of the day. (And I mean that you expect the highest highs to happen today, in romance, victory, and success.) When these short perspective events fail you, you can be sure you will find yourself in the dumps tomorrow.

As you mature you begin to expand your perspective, beyond 24 hours and into the accomplishments achieved over a span of years (as in making it a goal become a college graduate).

As you mature more you will expand your perspective to having a family and raising children or embarking on a life long career journey. These things last at least 20 years and even 40, 50 and 60 years. Sure they come with daily disappointments but when the goal is set over the long span of time, progress is made in measurements of decades and not hours.

A follower of Christ has the ultimate in stability for attitude and emotions in that their foundation is eternal. For several reasons: 1. There is nothing in this world, even your own miserable self, that can separate us from the Love of Christ. That means you, everyone you meet, every demon that comes against you, everything can not separate you from Jesus! 2. The step that brings you together with Jesus in the first place is not through your work and accomplishments, but through the finished perfect work of Jesus. You can't fail or mess up what has already been done, any more than you can void a legal contract your earthy father may have signed on behalf of your family.

I encourage you therefor to raise your perspective into the eternal by reading God's
Word that describes from a eternal perspective who you are, how you are loved and your eternal destiny.
