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Mexico Missions Trip

MC and Molli are on the trip in Mexico, 2013. Dear Praying Family and Friends, Sunday we joined in an amazing worship experience. We experienced the spirit of the Lord has no language barrier. The church we attended sponsors the largest children's home that B2B is involved with in Monterrey. Many of the high school children from this home have leadership positions on the worship team, tech team and are Sunday School teachers. After service we enjoyed an afternoon of swimming, crafting and futbol with a children's home. Our service today involved stuccoing, painting, cooking, cleaning a basement (complete with frogs and snakes), light construction, crafting and a trip with the kids to the swimming hole. The campus contains homes for teens 15 and older who have aged out of the system, but desire to continue their education through university. The Hope Homes create a family setting for a group of approximately 6 teens. Each home has house parents that mentor the kids in Biblical family foundations and function. This campus also has a full time dentist with beautiful dental chairs. Children from the 10 area children's home receive treatment here. Tonight the older teens from Hope Home blessed us with worship dance and their testimonies. The teens have been on several missions trips to care for other orphans and are currently planning a missions trip to Haiti for which they are currently fundraising through the sale of jewelry, bike-a-thon and the sale of ice cream. We covet your prayers tomorrow as we work in a squatter's village. We have been warned we will see conditions like we have never imagined. There we can expect an over-arching presence of evil in the form of prostitution and severe addictions. We will be working safely within a church building. Pressing On, The Mexico Missions Team